Ah, Scherbatsky, it's my favorite time of year.
I didn't know you liked Christmas so much.
No.Year-end reviews.We get to fire some people.Get into the spirit.
Get into the spirit 盛り上がる
Look, Sandy, you might enjoy firing people for petty, personal differences
petty ささいな personal difference 個人差
I'd hardly call giving me gonorrhea a petty, personal difference.
gonorrhea 淋病
But I am a professional and I would never fire someone for unprofessional reasons.
Well, somebody's gotta go.
Kids, the thing about pit people sometimes you don't even know you have one until you have a chance to push 'em in.
Hi, Robin!
Not happening, bro.Not happening, bro.Hand get tired? Not happening, bro.
I hold in my hand the R.S.V.P. From Professor Vinick.Uh-huh.Ah.He's checked will not attend, which is fine because all I needed to know was that he knows.So now I will throw this in the trash and never look at it.What's this? I believe you've sent this to the wrong person.I have no idea who Ted Mosby is.
Oh, you'll remember who I am, Professor Vinick.You'll never forget it.Not happening, bro.
Ted, just because we're coming with you to Wesleyan does not mean that we condone your behavior.We're just using it as an excuse to see the old campus and maybe watch you have a complete mental breakdown.
condone 大目に見る
What are you even gonna do when you see Professor Vinick?
Oh, I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
Sweet merciful Franks Gehry and Lloyd Wright.From what brilliant mind was this work of art sired?
merciful 慈悲深い
Mosby.Ted Mosby.Architect
But that's that's
Impossible? Looks like you were wrong, Vinick.Dead wrong.
Be careful, Ted.Revenge fantasies never work out the way you want.Especially dance-based revenge.My prom was rough, guys.
Ooh, we're almost there.Oh, I can't wait to see the old campus.
I'm gonna grab one of those giant dining hall hot dogs.
Oh, I love those huge wieners.I'm not so sure you heard me.I said I love those huge wieners.I love 'em! In my mouth.
So let me ask you a few questions, Clarice Patrice.
How would you rate your performance in the last six months?
Well, I don't like to talk about myself but all my coworkers deserve an A-double-plus, that's for suresies.Ooh, fancy lotion.
It puts the lotion in the basket!
It's just this is really nice lotion.And what a pretty basket, Robin.
I know.
That's why I bought it, Patrice!
Man, it's like nothing has changed.
Mmm.I know.The bun.The relish.That's a knee.It's a beautifully drawn knee.So? That's a barn.Oh, knee barn.Right.That's a great idea.Lily, on the way home we should stop at the Knee Barn, pick us up some wholesale knees.
Marshall.>Lily.You're here.
Hi, Daryl.
Hi.Wow! After all these years.You look just like you do in my paintings.Come here, guys.
There are men and there are gods.Antoni Gaudi was both.
There are jerk faces and there are buttholes.Professor Vinick was both.Good one, Ted.Come on, Vinick.Give me an opening.
Gaudi's architecture gave expression to the anarchic, geometric form of nature.
anarchic 無政府主義の geometric 幾何学の
Gaudi's architecture. Actually, that's a really good point.
Okay.It doesn't get any better than that.
No, it doesn't.
What are you doing here, Daryl?
Well, I live right down the street but I work right here.
Oh, boy.
Are those Our faces up there, buddy?
Hack, yeah! It was just as much your idea as mine to open up a Hacky Sack store here at Wesleyan.
So you never left?
Once.I met a girl on Craigslist and I flew to Boston to meet her.She was a man, 300 pounds, and robbed me.It's still the best night of my life until now.The Three Hackmigos back together again! You know, I've been waiting forever to give you something.You're coming with me to my house, and I'm not taking no for an answer.
Dude, this is your chance.Set me free and I will lie you out of this creepy nightmare.
This is a tough one.On the one hand, we might die.On the other, you're jinxed.
Let me free, Marshall.
This guy could be violent.
Violent.Viola.Frank Viola!
We would love to come to your house, Daryl.