Randy claims he doesn't know the real name of the man who sold him the piece.
He give a description?
Not one that will I.D. him... British accent.
This stone was the first time Randy did business with this guy.
Yeah, he said he'd bring back more, but we can't afford to wait.
So we make him come to us.
We'll use his trunk show to host a viewing of exquisite gems. We'll invite the who's who of the jewelry world.
exquisite 非常に美しい who's who 名士録
With the hope that our ruby smuggler won't be able to resist stopping by to check out the competition.
With the hope that 望みを抱いて resist 我慢する competition 競合商品
And when he does, we take him in, get him to confess, and clear Chris.
Sounds good on paper... One problem. These people know Randy's inventory. If we're gonna pull this off, we need to...
inventory 全商品
Show them the old razzle-dazzle?
razzle-dazzle 見せびらかし
With flawless gems, not... Jazz hands.
flawless 欠点のない Jazz hands 両手を開き手のひらを見せて小刻みにひらひら動かすポーズ
I was hoping I'd never have to share this with you.
The FBI has a gem vault, and you didn't tell me?
Why give an alcoholic a drink?
They're waiting for us in the conference room.
How many jewels do I get to take?
For this particular mission. Plenty.
When the Bureau comes across black-market gems, we confiscate them. Thanks.
confiscate 押収する
And they accumulate in an evidence locker, gathering dust? That's it?
accumulate 蓄積する gathering dust ほこりをかぶる
These are the best we've got.
Are you serious? These are nice.
Nice? You could buy a Soho loft with one of these and still get change back.
Well, they'll help.
But none of these are pigeon bloods. We need something that threatens our smuggler's corner on the market if we're gonna draw him out.
threaten 脅す
I don't think the FBI will authorize us taking a trip to Burma.
Right. So I'll need an oven that reaches 2,000 degrees Celsius and some welding equipment.
welding 溶接の
Perhaps assisting the suit isn't so bad. Impressive tools. I haven't had this much fun since I tripped Noam Chomsky.
You need to get out more, flashdance.
Hey, you want to make a star ruby? We can put masonic etchings in the silk veins.
masonic 石工の vein 模様
We're not rewriting history. Let's keep it simple.
Note my immediate boredom.
boredom 退屈
Help me explain why an oxyhydrogen blowtorch is gonna show up on my expense report.
blowtorch ブロートーチ
It's my own improvement of Auguste Verneuil's flame fusion apparatus.
apparatus 装置
You're making that up.
We're making synthetic rubies, "plebe-ian."
synthetic 人工の plebeian 平民
It's plebeian. How long till it's cooked?
About six hours. We're halfway there.
Will this fool our Brit?
Verneuils have curved growth lines. Natural crystals run parallel. But it requires high magnification... Close enough for government work.
That's what I want to hear.
Suit, your supplies are much appreciated.
Ohh, you told him he could keep the equipment, didn't you?
He doesn't work for free.
Nice clarity.
Yeah. It's perfect.
Perfect is good, right?
Not quite.
See, perfection is the antithesis of authenticity.
perfection 完成 antithesis 対照 authenticity 信頼性
Real gems have flaws. Now ours has one.
flaw ひび
Great. All right, I talked to Randy. The show is set for tomorrow night.
Unless they're looking at it under a microscope, you'll be fine.
I think I have a fix for that.
All right. You ready for this?
They didn't cover the runway walk at Quantico, but I think I can figure it out, Mr.Satchmo.
I made you a model. I deserve that.
I have to admit, this ruby looks pretty damn good.
So do you.
Cameras set?
Recording on every door. If our smuggler shows up, we'll get him on tape.
Have you ever considered a career in modeling?
I prefer being an FBI agent. It means I carry a gun.
I know.
You're barking up the wrong tree in so many ways.
Hey, it's a party.
The word is out. As to whether or not the guy you're looking for will show up is...
The word is out 噂は広まっている as to whether or not 〜かどうかについては
The ruby or the model?
Both. Is the stone yours?
Discovered it last month at a castle in the Scottish highlands... In a rock collection, of all places.
of all places 事もあろうに
A Scottish rock collection? Clever story.
Well, the Maharajah bit was good, too. But paperwork's a little suspect for such a high-profile gem.
Those are the papers I got from the sellers. It's authentic.
authentic 正真正銘の
To all but the most discerning eye. Congratulations. The Mandalay Ruby was a master cut.
discerning 目の肥えた
As was yours.
Thank you.
Where'd it come from?
Not one for a little healthy competition?
I've done quite well on my own.
I know you have, which is why I've arranged this little show... to meet you. Think of the money to be made if we combined our efforts.
When I see a good opportunity, I take it. But I don't discuss business in a public setting.
We could talk downstairs.
I'll finish my drink, and I'll meet you there.
Caffrey's on the move.
I'll stay on the ruby smuggler.
Good. Be ready.
There you are. Thought you'd changed your mind.
Just making sure no one saw us leave together.
We're good.
Good. You think I can't find out your sources by myself?
Guess you do like working alone. Personally, I like to work with a team.
Put the gun down.
Here's one of them right now.
One more step, and he's dead.
FBI. Lower your weapon.
And another one.
A minute ago, the charge would've been smuggling.
Now it's attempted murder of an FBI agent.
Let's talk deal.
He makes a good one. Trust me.