It's not a personal call. Lovely. Ms.Anderson's looking forward to seeing Mr.Rushdie tonight.
Cancel the dinner. Tell my driver he can take the night off. I'll take a taxi home. And this doesn't fill itself. Coffee.
You're meeting with a source tonight, aren't you?
You're asking a wildly inappropriate question.
inappropriate 不適切な
I know how important that dinner was to you. And I know you'd only take a taxi if you didn't want anyone to know where you were going. And this is your third cup of coffee. You're gearing up for a meeting. You should take me with you. I can help.
I'll tell you how you can help me. It's my child's 6th birthday.
It's not on your calendar.
That's why I have a Pulitzer and not a Mommy of the Year mug. Now, my last assistant arranged for Charlie's party at my apartment, which is currently a crime scene.
Okay. When is the party?
Today at 4:00. That's why I need you to move everything -- the cake, the decorations, everything. And you need to call all the guests and tell them that I'm sorry that I'm not there. If this threat's real and I went, I would be putting Charlie and all the children in danger.
New party. Got it.
Oh, damn. I fired Melinda before she could get Charlie's gift. There's a robot that he loves. She wrote it down somewhere. And I want new locks, the kind the White House uses.
If I get all this done, can I come with you to meet the source?
Finish it all, and I'll let you drive me. Oh, and make sure you translate the Lisbon communique into English by 6:00.
Peter, if you want me there when Helen meets the source, I'm gonna need some help. I'm e-mailing you a list.
Listen up. Diana needs to be within 20 yards of Helen at all times, so we're gonna lend a hand. First up, we need a lock for a residential door -- ultra-secure, state of the art.
lend a hand 手を貸す state of the art 最先端
I got a guy. He'll even do the road work for you.
Mozzie? I want the master key. All right, who here speaks Portuguese? Good. You get to translate a communique.
What's a supaiku-bot?
I don't know. Some kind of robot hedgehog toy. I'll get that. Jones, you're gonna run point and handle decorations.
So, streamers and a couple balloons?
streamers 飾りリボン
Mm-hmm. No. No, no, no.
No? Mnh-mnh. No. No. We are in way over our heads, aren't we?
We need a ringer.
ringer 補強メンバー
Okay, so the sugar-free cake, the nut-free cake, and the dairy-free cake -- They go on that table over there. Got the goodie bags -- table over there by the cactus. Okay, we've got the cowboy hats and the cute little aliens. We're gonna put those out on the tables over here. Hey, Jones.
Hey! Cowboys in space? I want you to plan my birthday party.
Do you want a moon bounce, as well?
I want to be a cowboy.
Oh, well, there you go, Jones.
Giddy up.
The Zhviegel Millennium? I won't even need my picks. I'll just bump it.
Ah. But with my modifications, it is unlike any other Zhviegel on the market.
Tension's unreadable. I'm impressed.
That lock is so complex, it is only rivaled by my mind.
rival 匹敵する
Oh, I used the hook. It was tough, though. If you added another pin --
Ah, a bluff inside the cylinder.
This and a wedge under the door, and Helen Anderson's townhouse will be more secure than Fort Knox.
Which, as we know, has its own weaknesses. Speaking of, where's Diana's briefcase?
Oh, she took it back to the Sheagle's nest. We've only got two days to get it.
Don't worry, Moz. I'll cook something up.
Hey. Heard you guys got a shipment. Special agent Peter Burke, FBI. I'm commandeering a supaiku-bot.
commandeer 奪い取る
The party was a hit. Your jacket's clean, research is categorized and collated, and I canceled the Rushdie dinner.
collate ページ順に並べる
What about --
Your 5:30 wheat-grass smoothie. Keys to your new locks and the translation of the Lisbon communique. I'm driving.
What are you doing?
I thought I was coming with you.
No. This is the first time I'm meeting the source. I said you could drive me. That's as far as you get. There he is. You want to do what I do, you need guts, good instincts, and patience. Work on that.
instinct 本能
We got to make this quick.
All right. There's a whistle-blower protection. Tell me...
whistle-blower protection 告発者保護
This didn't come from me. We both know what happens when...
Helen! Helen!
Why did you do that? You scared my source!
Someone followed you. Look.
He gave me this flash drive.
All right.