Well, I, uh -- I appreciate the thought, Peter, but I don't think he's coming.
Well, he's always late.
No, he's not. That much I've learned about him, so it'll have to do for now. You know, I-I'm very grateful for you guys being a family to him. It's nice to know he's got people like you two in his life.
Mm, I'll get that.
Oh. Is this real or fake?
Oh, that's real. I've had my fill of counterfeit things lately.
I'm glad you're here.
Hon, what's so funny?
It's nothing. It's just, um, the two of you are sneaking pot roast to the dog in the same way. You're putting it into your napkin and then palming it to the dog -- it's very funny.
I'm sorry.
Satchmo looked hungry, so I just...
No, um, Peter cooked the pot roast.
I mean, it's a little -- it's a little dry. Uh, yeah, it is. I was hoping Satchmo would take some of mine, as well.
Perfect segue into dessert, yes?
segue 続けて
Yes, yes.
Uh, I'm actually gonna go walk Satchmo, as well.
All right.
Thank you very much.
Get that out of your way.
Satch, come on.
I hear you're going undercover with the Flynns.
I am.
You have no idea how dangerous those guys are.
I've dealt with worse people.
I don't think you have.
Then maybe now is a good time for you to finish your story.
When did you first encounter the Flynns?
When I tried to get out. I couldn't take it anymore. I got tired of lying to your mother and to Ellen. I was dreading the day that you'd find out that your father was a crook.
dread ビクビクする
I'm out.
You don't get to make the terms of this, James.
I don't care. It's too much.
I'll tell you what.
But Flynn Sr. knew I was valuable. He threatened me, showed me a gun he'd used to kill a cop.
He kept the murder weapon on him?
In an old whiskey box. It was his way of showing that he was untouchable. But I was adamant, and, uh, eventually, he relented and said that he'd let me out if I did one last job.
adamant 頑固な relent おれた
What was it?
He told me that my supervising officer would have it. But when I got there, I thought they were gonna kill me. Everyone not in the family is disposable to them, after all, including my supervising officer. They'd killed him with my spare firearm. They'd stolen it out of my locker.
See, they timed their frame perfectly.
Drop the gun.
Even Ellen didn't believe me at first.
But you convinced her.
The truth convinced her, and I'm hoping that once I have this box with the evidence she found, it will convince you, too.
Can you show me one piece of that evidence now?
Ellen believed me.
Well, she's dead, so I'm gonna need a little more than that.
No, he already conned me once. And I know better than anyone, the stories are meaningless unless you got something to back it up. Excuse me.
Yeah. All right. I'll be there tomorrow.
Thanks for dinner, Peter. I got to go.
What? Where?
To prepare. Dennis Flynn's got a job for me. Looks like I'm back in the family business.
Have you heard of the Flynn family?
Can't say that I have.
See, that's a problem. Back in the old days, everybody knew our name and what it meant.
What did it mean?
Whiskey. It was prohibition. We were the biggest game in town.
What happened after prohibition ended?
Ah, we moved on to other things, built an empire. And then the feds tore everything down. Trumped-up charges, of course.
Trumped-up でっちあげられた
Of course.
I've been rebuilding it ever since. My old man would have been proud. What did your father do?
He was a cop.
You didn't follow in his footsteps.
No. I thought about it, but...wasn't for me.
Well, fathers can be a tough thing to live up to. Probably best that you went your own way.
You're telling me. Is that an F-520 column still?
Yes, sir.
Can't wait to play with that.
You know, actually, I'm a little more interested in your, uh -- your knack for imitations. How soon can you start?
knack for 〜のこつ
Oh, I can get the bottles of Shackleton going right away. How are you gonna sell them?
Don't be too eager, Neal.
Once he indicates he intends to sell the whiskey, we can move.
No, I-I'm not gonna sell them. That would be illegal. This is just, uh -- it's just a hobby.
It's a really expensive hobby you got there.
Yeah, well, the best ones are. Oh, and, uh, you won't be making Shackleton. You'll be making the booze my family used to sell.
McCann. That's $100,000 bottle of whiskey. They only make 55 a year.
And I'll need 55 more. Can you do it? Hey. Are you listening to me? Can you do it?
Yeah. Yeah, sorry, I got distracted by the...Higgins-Barrow. I've never seen one in person before.
Yeah, there it is.
Yeah, I can do the job.
That's great. We'll, uh, start in a few weeks.
A few weeks? Why wait?
Well, duplicating a McCann isn't just about what's inside. Each of the bottles has to be hand-blown.
Uh-huh. For your hobby?
Yeah, that's right. There's no reason to have one if you're not gonna do it right. I'll call you when I find someone.
I can do it.
Neal, don't push it.
Can he make the bottles?
I have no idea.
You're telling me that not only can you perfectly imitate the booze but you can blow the bottles, too?
Well, I need some help from a friend.
The air quality in here is abysmal. Do you know the effect that can have on the cooling glass? And you call that a furnace?
abysmal 非情に悪い furnace かまど
It's the best money can buy.
Yeah, exactly. Furnaces should have character, like the pieces that are born from them.
Are you saying you can't do the job?
Of course I can do the job. These will do fine. I'll also need newspaper. I prefer The New York Times.
Planning your restroom breaks already?
You dampen the paper and char it, then use it to shape the piece.
dampen しめらせる
He's the best.
Yeah, he better be.
You do realize I haven't blown glass since before they faked Reagan's death. I'm a little out of practice.
You'll be fine, Moz.
Oh, I'm gonna miss my eyebrows. Along with my bangs.
bang 前髪
Oh, great. Now he's also big brother.
Well, we're an investment. Let's show him he made the right choice. And once he leaves his office, I'm going in there.
Why would he need to get into his office?
I don't know, but whatever the reason is, I know I'm not gonna like it.
Good job, Moz. Not so out of practice after all.
Yep, like riding a horse.
You're allergic to horses.
You got this for a second?
I'll, uh, just stand here, holding molten glass.
molten 溶かされた
Yeah, just give me one sec.
Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!
What the hell is he doing?
Uh, I told you, I'd never seen a Higgins-Barrow in person. And I've definitely never tasted it.
You think you can just come in here and drink my booze?
All agents, be ready to move in. Neal may not make it out of this one.
I was gonna share.
You're crazy. You know that? And you really love your whiskey.
Well, that's the reason that I'm so good at making it.
Celebrating a little early, don't you think?
No, the glass is coming along well. We'll have the first of 55 ready in an hour. Once we've perfected the mold --
Uh, I actually don't give a crap. How long will the rest take?
give a crap どうでもいい
A day. Maybe two.
One day it is.
Thanks for the taste.
You broke into his office.
The door was unlocked.
Don't play semantics.
semantics 言い方の問題
James was telling the truth.
What'd you find?
Flynn has a gun in his whiskey case. It's a Browning P9R, the same model used to kill Ellen.
Flynn Sr. was arrogant enough to hold onto a murder weapon. You really think his son would do the same?
He wants to be just like his father. He's obsessed with the family's history, getting things back to how they were.
The same model doesn't mean the same gun.
It means my father was telling the truth.
Don't go off book again. If we stay the course and arrest him on distribution, our warrant will allow us to seize everything in the warehouse.
Including the gun?
Okay, but how? Flynn's playing it safe with me.
But he'll talk to the Conroys.
The family that used to run their whiskey distribution? But according to the files, they haven't spoken in years.
Exactly. Bringing the families back together again fits right into his sweet spot.
Does organized crime have someone undercover with the Conroys?
They do. He agreed to contact Flynn, set up a meet, and vouch for one of our agents.
Who are you sending?
No. Peter, you can't. It's too dangerous.
Says the man who broke into Flynn's office and stole a drink. This is our best shot at getting them on record.
And it allows you to be there to keep an eye on me.
Hmm, guess you're right.
Your cover better be airtight.
airtight 隙の無い完璧な
Which means I need to talk to an expert on the Conroys and Flynns.