Okay, so red indicates level of attractiveness, blue-intellectual stimulation, green-emotional connection, yellow-compatibility of life goals, and purple-whether or not she reached for the check.
attractiveness 魅了すること stimulation 刺激
Well, it looks like Jessica's ahead in the first four categories.
Did not reach for the check Oh, this?
Oh this? No big deal.This This cost three months rent, and, uh, I've never gotten to wear it, because I bought it for that big event that you invited me to, which then fell through.But, you know what? Don't feel guilty about that.
fall through 実現されない
What big event?
That thing with your uncle.
His funeral? It didn't fall through, he miraculously came out of a coma.
miraculously 奇跡的に
And I forgive you.Now, can I please meet Lenny Kravitz?
I did it again!
Aw, honey.You got drunk again.I can't believe I took the over.
Just to be clear, "I did it again" is not a reference to my current state of inebriation.
inebriation アルコール依存症状態
What's it a reference to?
My name is Marshall Eriksen. I'm 33 years old.And if my potential future employer, Garrison Cootes, is watching this bow down to Beercules!
Well, that could be anybody.
Oh, goodness.
Pete, this is Lily Aldrin.I'm gonna make this real simple: You're gonna take down that video of Marshall.You know why? Because I'm friends with three girls who dated you in college, and girls tell each other everything.Every tiny detail.Huh.So tick-tock, Pete-tick-tock goes the little wee-wee clock.
Pete's got a little wee-wee?
No idea.
What's everyone getting?
This was bound to happen eventually.I've been trying so hard to suppress, like, my carefree idiot side, that it just rebelled and came out swingin'!
bound to する運命にある suppress 我慢する
It sure did.
Look at me! I'm a windmill!
Who am I kidding? I'm not ready to be a dad.I thought that I was, but it's, like my dad never did stuff like that, you know?
So what if he did? You'd still love him.And be honest-wouldn't you love to stumble onto a video of him running down the street naked, yelling, "Hey, Marshall, look at me! I got an icicle on my deal!" Oh!
stumble onto 偶然に出会う
Hey, guys! Ow! My neck! Uh oh! Hey! Look at that.
Barney, what are you doing here?
Oh, I told Nora I wouldn't leave until she gave me a second date, and I mean it.I've already been here nine hours.I still need another minute.I mean call me crazy, but I'm gonna stay here until I get that girl back.
That-that's what I want.The way Barney feels about Nora-I want that feeling again.I don't want to be choosing between two girls, I want to be a complete head-over-heels idiot for one.
Yeah, the complete head-over-heels idiot thing's pretty nice.
It's not bad.Although, for the record-sweeping declaration!-I am never getting drunk again.
And sure enough
All hail Beercules!
But, again, I'm getting ahead of myself. The next day.
Marshall! Garrison Cootes.
Yes, Mr.Cootes.Hi.How are you?
I just wanted to let you know, we did the background check, and that is some disturbing streaking.
disturbing 気がかりな streak 全裸で走り回る
Sir, th-th-the thing is, um
The rainbow streaking in this sample is definitely from chemical runoff.Oh, I Bottom line-we'd love to have you on board.
streak 条斑病 runoff 流出 have on board 社員として迎える
That is fantastic! Thank you, Mr.Cootes!
Well, you're welcome.And-oh, and when you're at the office, try to wear some clothes, okay, Beercules? Wow! That's a big snake.
Oh, there's a snake in the swamp?
No, I'm talking about your penis.See you tomorrow.
I got the job.
And I think that my boss already sexually harassed me.But he saw the video and he doesn't care!
See that? Maybe Beercules isn't so bad after all.
Hey, Marshall, my name is Pete Durkenson.We went to Wesleyan together.
Yeah, no, I know.Pete, we we just hung out yesterday.
All right, now Lily's message makes a little more sense.Listen, don't worry, bro, I'm gonna take down the video.
You know what? Leave it up.
Whatever you say, Beercules.Scalpel.
You know what? This is good.I want our kid to see every side of who I am.
Yeah.Even the side that runs through the East Village hangin' brain.
I'm gonna call Pete back.
That's a good idea.
That evening, I took Robin to the Architects' Ball.
Thanks again for taking me to this.
Mm.My pleasure.And, you know, you might find it interesting.Some of these guys represent the living history of New York-
Yeah, yeah.Where's Lenny Kravitz?
Right there.Leonard Kravitz, world-renowned architect.Guy's a rock star.He's gonna be giving his famous on crossbeams.
Well, great.I'm gonna go find one and hang myself from it.
Kids, you can't talk yourself into falling in love.It doesn't take days of deliberation.When it's real, you know pretty quickly, and with absolute certainty.I had forgotten that.But I was about to be reminded.
deliberation 審議 runoff 流出 have on board 社員として迎える