Ted: Hey, we got some time. What do you say we get off the highway, take the road less traveled, you know? Robert Frost.
Marshall: Doesn't seem like a smart idea.
Ted: Too late. I'm taking this exit. Who's not fun enough now, Karen?
Marshall: Then we got lost. Where the hell are we?! I'm pulling over.
Ted: No, keep driving.
Marshall: We're almost out of gas, and we might not even be on a road anymore.
Ted: It's below zero out. If we pull over, we could be snowed in for days. Plus, I only have, like, six granola bars and three bottles of water.
Marshall: Nah, I threw them out.
Ted: What?!
Marshall: No food or drink in the Fiero.
Ted: No food or drink in the F...? You haven't washed your sheets since...
Narator: Thus began the longest night of our lives.
thus 従って
Marshall: Pretty sure that my foot is frozen solid.
Ted: Marshall... there's a very real chance that we're gonna be snowed in here for days. If I die first, do whatever you need to survive. Eat my flesh. Slice me open like a tauntaun, whatever.
Marshall: Thanks, Ted. You're a good friend. And if I die first, you just leave my body alone.
Ted: What? I just said you could cut me open and crawl inside me.
Marshall: Yeah, don't do any of that stuff to me; it skeeves me out.
skeeve を不快にさせる
Ted: But... but you're dead, and I'm gonna die if I don't.
Marshall: Wasn't an easy decision.
Ted: This is all because of your insane no-food rule.
Marshall: It's perfectly rational.
rational 正気の
Ted: Hey! My spectacles! Hey. I know we're low on gas, but can we turn on the heat for just a minute?
spectacles 眼鏡
Marshall: Okay. Dude... I hate to say this... but it's so cold... there's only one way that we're gonna make it through this night. We should've kept driving.
Ted: Come on, Marshall.
Marshall: No. No. We might die now. I may never see Lily again. I never told anybody this, but... I've known for a long time that I'm gonna marry that girl. If we survive this, someday I'm gonna marry her. I'm sorry about your spectacles.
Ted: That's okay. They were decorative. Hey, Marshall.
decorative 装飾的な
Marshall: Yeah?
Ted: Are you still thinking about Lily?
Marshall: Yeah.
Ted: Please stop.
Narator: And so Marshall and I thought we were gonna die out there in the middle of nowhere. But funny thing...
in the middle of nowhere 辺ぴな所に
Man: Hey. You lovers better just keep on driving.
Marshall: Zitch dog!
Ted: Damn it!
Lily: You said you were gonna marry me that long ago? That is so sweet.
Ted: That trip is when Marshall and I became best friends.
Barney: With privileges, from the sound of it.
privilege 特権 from the sound of it その様子からすると
Mechanic: Eriksen.
Barney: Wow. Looks like he really needs a hug. Ted.
Marshall: He said it would be at least 3,000 bucks to make it run again. And even then, there's no guarantee.
Ted: Well, it's a pretty old car.
Robin: Yeah. You can keep prolonging its life, but it's really mostly machine at this point.
prolong 長引かせる
Marshall: I know that it's a lot of money, but it's my Fiero, you know? I'm about to graduate and take some sellout corporate law job, and without that Fiero, I'm just another guy in a suit.
corporate 法人の I'm just another guy 俺はありきたりの人間だ。
Barney: How dare you...
Robibn: Hey.
Marshall: I've been through so much in that car.
Marshall: Hitchhiking Waldo.
Robin: Lily, don't. Be strong. Do not go all "prisoner's dilemma" on me.
Lily: The car's on its deathbed, Robin. I have to clear my conscience.
deathbed 死に際の conscience 良心
Marshall: Guys, what are you talking about?
Lily: Okay. Shortly after we met Robin, she and I were jonesing for Thai food from this one place.
jones 〜が欲しくてたまらない
Robin: An hour and a half delivery. We can't wait that long.
Lily: I wish we could take the Fiero, but Marshall has this insane no-food rule.
Robin: But Thai food, Lily. Pad Yum Mao. Tom Kai Gah. Thai See Ran.
Lily: Oh! You're just saying random syllables, and it still sounds delicious. Okay. Here's what we'll do. We'll drive over, pick it up, have them double-bag it, very carefully drive it back here with the windows open, and he'll never know. Wow, these brakes are really sensitive. Oh, Marshall is gonna kill me! This and the difference between "affect" and "effect" are the only two things he's really serious about.
syllable 〜が欲しくてたまらない double-bag 〜を二重の袋に入れる
Robin: Lily, it's gonna be fine.
Lily: No, it's not. Marshall's gonna freak. Oh, God, oh, God. What are we gonna do? Oh, God, oh...!
Robin: Shut up! Now, listen to me. The clock is ticking. Okay, first thing, we scoop up all these little pieces of tofu and cabbage. Next, what we need to take care of are the really messy parts-- the pools that have collected. We got to soak that soup up. Last is the smell. We got to cover up that Tom Kah Gai. You mentioned cigars.
scoop up すくいあげる soak 染み込む
Lily: There's two in the glove compartment, but he's been saving them.
Robin: Hand me those chopsticks. Hey, how about some tunes? Oh, great song.
Lily: These cigars aren't helping at all.
Robin: Yeah. This was a terrible idea.
Lily: Now it just smells like a homeless guy threw up in here.
Marshall: The broken windows?
Lily: We had to make it look realistic.
realistic 現実的な
Marshall: Why did you break two of them?
Robin: It looked like fun when she did it. So I wanted to try.
Marshall: Can't believe this whole time it was you guys. I've been blaming really tanned dancing leotard guy.
blame 非難する tanned 日焼けした
Lily: Marshall, I'm so sorry, but sharing that secret-- that's when Robin and I became best friends.
Mechanic: Wow. What a special car. So, can I crush it into a little cube yet?
Marshall: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Barney: Come on, Marshall. This is your Fiero. You know the right thing to do here.
right thing to do 正しい行動
Robin: Wow, Barney, why do you love that car so much?
Barney: Love it? Hold on a second. Love it? I hate it!
Lily: What? Why?
Barney: Why? Why? Why?! Why?!
Ted: Let me tell it. It was last year during the transit strike.
transit strike 交通スト