I found my ring.
It's peter.
I saw your ring.
I know you've got kate!
A lot of us have those rings.
Hello, kate.
We need to talk about neal.
Neal stole a piece.
This one is special.
It's a music box.
You have the right to remain silent.
I didn't do this.
I was set up by someone very close to you.
Now I'm positive it's fowler.
My god, they tapped my phone.
Found this stuck on my home phone.
I'm not done with this investigation, Burke.
Neither am I.
Kate: You can't trust anyone.
She wants this music box.
There's something inside it.
It's holding some secret.
I want to see it.
I'm gonna need some time.
Good weekend?
New York won 4-3 in double overtime.
How was the guggenheim?
guggenheim グッゲンハイム美術館
I saw a rumination on the physicality of space And the nature of sculpture.
rumination 熟考 sculpture 彫刻
Glad I missed it.
Back at you.
Right back at you その言葉そのままあなたにお返しします
David Sullivan is waiting for you in the conference room.
ah. Perfect.
What's wrong?
He's been calling all week about a mortgage-fraud case.
It's a pretty cut-and-dry foreclosure.
cut-and-dry 単純な foreclosure 質流れ、担保権執行
I don't know what else we can do for him.
He brought his little girl.
Ah, geez.
He's playing the sympathy card.
play the sympathy card 同情を引く作戦に出る
Is it working?
Come on.
Let's go talk to him.
What, you need me for this?
You're uncomfortable around the 6-year-old.
uncomfortable 落ち着かない
I don't speak that language.
I do?
Yeah, you do, peter pan.
Come on.
Mr.Sullivan. And this must be...
That's a 515 form, not a coloring book.
I'm sure the bureau will get by without it.
get by without 〜なしでやっていく
Encourage that artistic ability.
Encourage 奨励する 働き掛ける 促進するく
What's going on, Mr.Sullivan?
The bank forecloses on our home in a week.
forecloses 担保権を行使するく foreclose on 差し押させる
Mr.Sullivan's father recently passed.
pass 亡くなる
I'm sorry to hear that.
He left him his home.
And before his death, He took out a second mortgage on it.
He didn't take out a second mortgage.
He would never do that.
Someone cheated us.
cheat だます
I looked at your case, Mr.Sullivan.
I'm sorry, but things like this happen.
Was your father in debt?
He wasn't in debt.
I know him.
Do you?
Last three years of his life, He was in an extended-care center.
extended 延長された
You only visited four times.
I told you. I looked at your case.
Look...My dad was a hard man.
Near the end of his life, He wanted to get to know his granddaughter.
She got us past our differences.
past our differences 私たちの確執を克服して、差を乗り越えて
He wanted to give her a home to grow up in.
That's how I know My father wouldn't take out a second mortgage to play blackjack, okay? You're our last chance.
That's you.
We'll look into it.
No promises.
It's pretty cut-and-dry.
The bank has paperwork signed and notarized.
notarized 公証人によって署名された
I can see why you didn't want to take this on.
Maybe I'm glad I changed my mind.
You find something?
I tried to call the N.Y.P.D. detective Sullivan spoke to originally.
Turns out he's retired.
How many detectives you know retire at 35?
It's worth looking into.
Think we should ask him to coffee?
I never say no to coffee.
Thanks for coming.
I'm Agent Burke.
Who's this?
I'm with the FBI.
Uh, no. He's with the FBI. Fed couldn't afford those Cufflinks.
For a retired detective, you don't seem out of practice.
out of practice 腕がなまって
You didn't answer my question.
He's my consultant.
We're investigating the Sullivan case.
Mr.Sullivan has a daughter, and Peter's a sucker for kids.
a sucker for に弱い人
You know, you cleared over 90% of your cases.
If you don't mind me asking, What made you all of a sudden turn in your resignation?
turn in 提出する resignation 退職
Well, I...I got tired of the grind.
grind つまらない仕事
Look, I, uh, I swung an early pension, okay?
swing 〜をうまくやり通す pension 年金
I don't know if you're recording this conversation, But I don't have anything to say.
I appreciate the coffee.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You burned your career for this case.
You're just gonna walk away?
Like I said, I got nothing to say.
Sullivan's a dud.
dud 駄目な人
Let it go.
Thanks for the coffee.
You know what?
Let me leave a tip.
No, I got it.
I insist.
insist 断言する 主張する
It's the least I can do.
That was cryptic. $4.76.
cryptic 不可解な
For three cups of coffee.
Pretty generous for a retired cop's salary.
generous 気前のよい
Very generous and very specific.
specific 明確な
4-7-6. Could be an area code.
Not in america.
Badge number?
I don't think so.
For a dud case, Herrera generated a lot of paperwork.
Yeah, he did.
Wait, What do we got here? 476.
What is it?
It's an I.D.
Number for a federal district judge.
district 地方
They stamp these on the files for every case you preside over.
preside over 統括する
Judge Michelle Clark.
Do you know her?
Herrera said he was leaving a tip.
Maybe her honor's not so honorable.
One cop already lost his job over this.
You sure you want to go down this road?
Yeah, I do.
All right.