Morning, gentlemen.
All Midtown Mutual banks have similar layouts and use the same security system.
Miss Renee Simmons...gentlemen who is in charge of all security for your branches, requested that we conduct a test on that security.
Would you please tell us why this is necessary?
We found several flaws.
flaw 不備
Mm, mm, mm.
That's a lot of money.
Basement access let me bypass the metal detectors at the entrances.
detector 探知器
The teller cages are nicely protected, but your employees need to be more vigilant.
teller 窓口係 vigilant 用心深い
Also, the staff should wear their access badges around their neck, not clipped to their waist...
It makes them too easy to lift.
And the old dye packs you're using are way too easy to spot.
dye 染料
And, guys, the pass codes need to change daily, not weekly.
Each of you have received a card like this in the past week from someone calling himself The Architect.
We believe this is the same person who has hit banks in Dallas, Chicago, and Boston.
If he's operating under the same MO, one of your vaults will be emptied within a week.
That's why it's necessary, so let's strategize.
That went great.
I'm sure they'll sleep soundly tonight.
So, what do I tell them when they start to panic?
Tell them that we're shoring up their security and that the bureau is on it.
shore up 補う
Did that help in Dallas, Chicago, and Boston?
This is New York.
We'll catch him.
I hope so.
We'll catch him?
That's your halftime speech?
Well, you could've said something.
This guy is amazing, all right?
Dallas was good.
Chicago was a work of art.
I still don't know how he did Boston.
Well, we better figure out how, 'cause I do not want to add Manhattan to that list.
You holding up?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm holding up.
You sure?
I'm gonna...
Where are you?
We had an agreed-upon protocol.
agreed-upon 承諾済みの protocol 手順
Are you using a voice changer?
You sit on the bench, open the Times to the international section.
That's what we agreed on.
You're using a voice changer.
I don't see a newspaper open.
Get over here!
It's your dime, suit.
dime ほんのわずかの金額 It's your dime あんたの電話代だよ
How's Neal doing?
You spend just as much time with him as I do.
I need him.
I am counting on him.
A lot of people are counting on him, and I don't need him going section 8 on me.
section eight 身体的不適格、または望ましくないとみなされた性格的特徴に基づく米軍からの除隊
He's not exactly forthcoming.
forthcoming 積極的な
Kate's only been dead two months.
No one can snap back that fast.
snap back 急に元へ戻る
Are you telling me the two of you aren't looking into what happened at that airport?
The question was, "How's he doing?". Not "What is he doing?"
All right, then what do you think?
Quid pro quo.
Quid pro quo 見返り
All right.
He's got the shakes.
get the shakes 身震いする
He's flashing back to that moment in his mind, and he's freaking out about it.
Your turn.
As you may imagine, he's a little curious as to who may have killed Kate.
Does he think whoever killed her was trying to kill him?
It's crossed his mind.
cross someone's mind の頭をよぎる
All right, I'll keep looking into things on my side.
Until you hear from me, let's keep him busy.
We've got a good case now, so let's keep him working on that.
How do I do that?
You're his friend.
You'll figure it out.
I kept everything as you left it.
Exactly as I left it, I see.
Oh, welcome back.
I couldn't bear the thought of you at that motel.
Besides, you can't imagine how quiet it is around here without you.
I like a little, uh, excitement now and then.
Me too.
Thank you, June.
Of course.
Let's see it.
There's a lot.
I know.
This is everything?
Yeah...everything on your search for Kate, Fowler, Mentor.
Have you heard from Alex?
Since the...explosion, she's been laying low.
Can't blame her.
blame 非難する
She'll surface.
What about the music box?
According to the evidence log, the new lady suit...that would be Diana.
Diana logged it into evidence in your New York office after Peter recovered it from Fowler.
I want to see if it's still there.
Whoever blew up the plane wants that box.
They're not gonna let it sit around in an evidence locker collecting dust.
We find the person who wants the box, we find who killed Kate.
The Architect.
That's an excellent sobriquet.
sobriquet ニックネーム
Is this your first case back?
I need a new nickname.
Mozzie's not cutting it anymore?
What about, um, the question, or perhaps the skeptic?
skeptic 懐疑論者
Con man?
The...The Architect...
He's a bank robber?
A good one.
Since when are you concerned with FBI cases?
Uh, since you started spiraling into the dark place.
And, as you may remember, I have colluded on a bank heist or two in my day.
collude 共謀する
Come on.
What do we got?
All right.
Three clean jobs in five years, no trail, no evidence.
All we have are these business cards.
Embossed...Very classy.
classy 気取った
What do you make of the "A"?
I don't recognize the typeface.
typeface 活字書体
Forensics doesn't either.
Custom font.
That speaks to a high degree of Hubris.
Hubris 自信
What do you think?
The elongated slant...It could be a Cyrillic influence.
elongated 長い slant 傾く Cyrillic キリル文字 influence 影響
A bit of Russian?
If you left a calling card, how would you sign it?
I would never leave a card.
It's way too brazen.
brazen ずうずうしく立ち向かう
Would you?
Of course you would.
The better question is, if you were him, what card would you leave?