Kids, sometimes when you're about to give up on your love life forever for the 17th time, destiny intervenes.Instead of rushing in, I took my time to think up the perfect opening line.
intervene 起きる
Wait, no, damn it, come back. You're really You're pretty.
And before I could call out after her, in any kind of embarrassing way that a bunch of teenagers made fun of for the next five stops while I stared straight ahead and pretended not to hear them, she was gone. But here's the thing about Ted Mosby: he doesn't give up.
call out 叫ぶ
Stalker Ted alert.Repeat, Stalker Ted alert.
Already has a yellow legal pad going.Repeat, already has a yellow legal pad going.
I'm not stalking.I just jotted down a few details to help me find her.Uh, like the fact that her smile was cute, but a bit crooked, which can be a sign of teeth grinding.So I called up the city's top five TMJ specialists, and here's where it gets interesting.
jot down を手早くメモする crooked ひねくれた
Not interesting, Ted, creepy.Let her go.
No, this is destiny.
No, Ted, this is forcing it.When Lily and I met, I mean, that was destiny.She could've knocked on any door to find someone to fix her stereo, but she knocked on mine.Now hand over the pad.Ted
And the backup pad.
They were right.You can't force destiny.If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen.And funny story, kids
Oh, my God.It's you.
It happened.
Subway Girl's name is Jeanette, and she does grind her teeth.
I assume that started the moment she met you.
Uh, well, the fact is she wanted to find me.
The first thing I did was list out all the details I remembered about you.
Is is that a yellow legal pad?
Yeah.I've even got a backup.
Oh, my God.
You had a tweed blazer and chalk all over your hands, so I figured you were either a professor or a British gymnast.
I'm bloody good on the pommel 'orse.Regrettin' this accent.Can't seem to stop.
pommel あん馬の取って crooked ひねくれた
So then I asked the lady at the student center where I could find the youngest, cutest professor on staff.
She sent me to a physics class.
Professor Leyborne? I wonder if she'd think Dr.Goodhair was so cute if she knew he hasn't been published in over a year?
Then she sent me here, but the security guard wouldn't let me in without an ID.I was about to give up when the fire alarm just sent you out.It was like
Destiny.Right? Right? It's a meet-cute.
It's a stalk-crazy.
Look there's a fine line between love and insanity.It's the Dobler-Dahmer theory.
insanity 狂気
Oh, no - Damn, I always forget the little one.
All right.If both people are into each other, a big romantic gesture works.Like Lloyd Dobler holding up the boom box outside Diane Court's window in Say Anything.But if one person isn't into the other, the same gesture comes off serial-killer crazy, or Dahmer.Now, Marshall, the story of how you asked out Lily is super sweet.
Lily, how you thrill me But it may just even kill me If you do not say "I will-y" To this question Will you go out with me?
I will-y.
Dobler.But if Lily wasn't into you?
Lily, how you thrill me But it might just even kill me If you do not say "I will-y" To this question Will you go out with me?
Dahmer.Whether a gesture's charming or alarming depends on how it's received.And I was charmed by Jeanette finding me, hence she's a Dobler.
Don't you think it's a little convenient how that fire alarm happened to randomly go off?
What are you saying?
Ted, does she have enormous cans?
Then what we're saying is she's a crazy stalker bitch who pulled that fire alarm and you should run screaming.
You know what? I-I don't think that we should be so cavalier with the word "stalker."
Why does that word bother you so much?
Doesn't bother me.
Wait do you have a stalker?
I don't want to talk about this.
What do you mean? As your fiance, if you have some psycho stalker out there, I should know.
It was me.I was a stalker.It was back in Canada.I liked a guy and he didn't like me, and well, I got a little obsessed.I'd fill up my journals all about him, and eventually there may have been a teensy-weensy 50-meter restraining order.
teensy-weensy とても小さな restraining order 禁止命令
Fifty meters?That's like four years.Wow.You must have been a total nutbag.
I wasn't.Ted is right, there is a fine line.Anyone can cross it and get obsessed.
Yeah, if you're a total nutbag.Now, uh who's the guy?
I'm not telling you until you admit that this can happen to anybody.
I'm not admitting that.
Fine.Forget it.I'm not telling you.
You are so beautiful.Why can't you see me? Someday, I'll make you see me "and we'll be together.P.S. I love you, you, you. P.S. I love you, you, you. P.S. I love you, you, you. P.S. I love you, you, you. P.S. I love you, you, you.
This is ridikilus.
Who cares who she was obsessed with? What, am I gonna go to Canada and track this guy down?
Thankfully, unlike Uncle Barney, I wasn't the kind of guy to fixate on one little detail.
fixate 固執する
That fire alarm-- did you pull it?
Ugh This is embarrassing.I wasn't gonna tell you this, but I'd come so far, only to be sent packing by that security guard, and well I'm sorry.I just couldn't stand the idea of not meeting you.
Could not stand the idea of not meeting me.Was it a little over the top to pull that fire alarm? Perhaps.But it charmed me.Hence Dobler.
Aha! You see? People don't put fire alarms out in front lobbies for just anyone to prank pull.They put smoke detectors up on the ceiling.
pull a prank いたずらする
Hold on.I'm beginning to think that you guys didn't come here to see my new lectern.Are you implying Jeanette started a fire?
imply ほのめかす
Dobler.She's John Cusack, I'm Ione Skye, and there is nothing weird about that.