Get to the city planner's office.
get to 〜に連絡をつける
Find out where these tunnels lead.
Caffrey escaped?
Yeah, He did a four-story swan dive onto that awning of the bakery.
story 階 awning 天幕
Who approved moving the arraignment?
The marshals guaranteed the security of the room.
Never assume anything with Neal.
Never assume anything 思い込みはキンモツ!
You know, I've been working my ass off keeping this kid on the straight and narrow.
work one's ass off 休む間もなく働く the straight and narrow 品行方正
He's been helping us win cases... until you came along.
Oh, don't put this on me!
Hey, hey, gentlemen!
Hey, let's focus on the problem here.
What do we know?
Did we stop the van?
The only person in the van was the driver.
He claims he was hired through an anonymous Internet posting.
hire 雇う
500 bucks in an envelope to pick up the van and park it at this spot.
envelope 封筒
Did the van have a floor panel that was removable?
How'd you know?
Caffrey wasn't in there for more than a few seconds.
He's gone underground.
Can we track his anklet?
No, they removed it when we arrested him.
Burke, find him... again.
I'm not comfortable with Agent Burke running this operation.
I don't care whether you're comfortable or not.
Burke knows Caffrey better than anyone.
Now, get to work.
All right, Burke.
What's your plan?
Set up roadblocks, put up wanted posters.
So, to accommodate the location, we'll have to keep the guest list at about 200.
accommodate 適応する
Yvonne, will you follow up on the caterer?
follow up on 徹底的に〜を追究する caterer 仕出し屋
It should be beautiful, though.
We'll have 10 long tables of 20.
It'll be beautiful.
This is Yvonne.
It's for you.
On your personal phone?
Burke premiere events.
This is Elizabeth.
Sorry to bother you at work.
bother 困らせる
Uh, I'll catch up with you guys.
How'd you get this number?
Stupid question.
You know, there's half the law enforcement in North America looking for you right now, including my husband.
He'll find me soon enough.
I need your help.
Are you okay?
Ah, still haven't found Neal.
We got a detail outside.
detail 特殊任務部隊、選抜部隊
Yeah, I saw.
As if he'd be careless enough to come here.
Where do you think he did go, El?
Is he in the kitchen?
Of all the places you could run, you go to my wife.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
You helped him sneak in.
Well, I wouldn't have had to sneak him in if there weren't those people sitting at our house.
You lied to the FBI.
Honey, I did not lie to the FBI.
There was just a lot of milk and cookies and pleasant, distracting conversation while Neal slipped around the back.
pleasant 感じの良い distracting 気晴らしになる
I love this.
You've turned my wife into an accomplice.
accomplice 共犯
Give me one minute to explain.
One minute.
You explain what you were thinking when you did a free fall from the judge's chambers, while I decide if I drag you back in chains.
while その間に drag back 〜を引きずり戻す
Okay, does that minute start now?
I told you, I was set up... by someone very close to you.
I couldn't tell you at first because I thought it was somebody in the FBI.
Now I'm positive it's Fowler.
That's not...
I got 52 seconds left.
I've had a little free time on my hands the past few days.
time on one's hands 持て余した時間
So, I've been putting these together.
put together 組み立てる
They're documents Fowler shredded after I requested access to my files.
Morning, Peter.
Where are you?
Within my two-mile radius.
Where are you?
I'm at my dining-room table.
Listen, we've got a suspected jewelry heist.
I'm intrigued.
Meet me at 14th and 9th in 30.
that's Le Joyau Precieux.
I'm even more intrigued.
The most expensive boutique in the city.
Of course you'd know it.
You're gonna love this.
I made that call from my home.
My god, they tapped my phone.
tap 盗聴する
They didn't tap it.
That would require a court order.
Look at your phone.
It's a bug.
Standard Bureau issue.
Activates when you pick it up.
They've been inside my house.
They couldn't have had authorization.
Not within the window of the crime and his suspicion of you.
suspicion 疑念、疑惑 window 時間帯、好機 手段、方法
Fowler is dirty.
Peter, I have access to every file the FBI has on me.
You had Jones process a request to look at my initials on the bond forgery.
process a request 処理する
After you checked the forgery to see if I was telling the truth, one other person checked it, too.
And then my initials just happened to show up on the pink diamond.
He's using you to get to me.
My minute's up.