Blitz: I'm finally free! I mean, you have no idea what I've missed all these years: The university president's toupee being snatched by a hawk at graduation, Zeppelin reuniting at my cousin Ira's bar mitzvah, countless nip-slips, crotch shots, shooting stars and double rainbows. I've missed them all!
snatched 急いで取った
Barney: Well, not anymore, Blitz.
Blitz: My name's not Blitz. My name is Steve! Colors seem so bright now. Thank you, Blitz.
Ted: What? No! N- n-n-n-no! N-n-no! I'm not The Blitz! The only thing I missed last night was my best friends stabbing me in the back by hanging out with my worst enemy. Guys! I hate Zoey! That means you're supposed to hate her, too! Th-that's your rule, Lily!
Lily: I tried.
Ted: Tried?! Lily, do you have any idea how many people I've blindly hated for you? I hated Rene Zellweger with a burning passion for eight years, only to discover you meant Reese Witherspoon!
Lily: Hey, I will hate her until I get my money back for You, Me and Dupree!
Ted: That's Kate Hudson!
Lily: Oh, yeah. That's who I hate. Guys, we hate Kate Hudson.
Ted: No, we hate Zoey! I'm so furious at you all right now, but it's Thanksgiving, and I have a Turturkeykey to make. And not that I'm The Blitz, but could everyone please come with me into the kitchen? Okay, I'm, uh, just gonna preheat the oven.
furious 激怒した
Robin: The oven.
Barney: Hey, Robin, you should dance on the oven.
Everyone chanting: Dance on the oven! Dance on the oven! Dance on the oven...
Steve: Did they tell you about the skateboarding dog? It was awesome!
Ted: Great. So not only did you guys betray me, but you broke my oven on Thanksgiving?
betray 裏切る
Barney: Full disclosure. We also used all your butter, greasing up Lily so we could see how far we could slide her down the hall.
Full disclosure 全面開示
Lily: But if it helps, I reached 4G.
Ted: It doesn't help. 4G? No. What-What are we supposed to do now?
Steve: This is awesome! I'm part of this!
Ted: Barney, I don't know if the oven is deep enough. Plus, it's a display made of cardboard.
Barney: Huh. I should probably disconnect the gas.
Marshall: Hey, just so you guys know, there was a tiny explosion at the sewage treatment plant across the street from our apartment, but I'm sure it's fine by now.
sewage 下水
Steve: This is awesome!
Ted: It's not awesome!
Robin: I think the smaller turkey just tried to crawl further inside the bigger turkey.
Barney: Um... Um... I'm have... I'm having trouble breathing!
Steve: Mom keeps an extra litter box in here. There you go. Good as new. Oh. Hey, Ginger.
Lily: Ted, you're not gonna like this, but we do have one other option.
Zoey: Hey, you guys should come to my house for Thanksgiving. My husband always spends it with his daughter, so I'm going to be alone anyway.
Lily: Could we bring Ted?
Zoey: It's Thanksgiving. What the hell?
Ted: No. Absolutely not.
Lily: Come on. Give her a chance.
Robin: Ted, you violated a dead turkey with another dead turkey. Don't let that be in vain.
vain 無駄
Marshall: Guys? Wait a minute. Where's Barney?
Barney: And here's the twist, Babaka. Because Ted left early, he's now The Blitz.
Babaka: But Barney, now you left the group. Wouldn't that put you in danger of becoming The Blitz yourself?
Barney: No. I c... Because... Step on it.
Marshall: You missed it.
Steve: Oh, my goodness. Our cab took a wrong turn. We were in the Thanksgiving Day parade!
Robin: Tony Bennett passed Ted the mike and he sang "Twist and Shout!"
Barney: But he's The Blitz.
Ted: No. I'm not The Blitz. I'm The Bueller. You know what this means. You're The Blitz.
Mysterious voice: Blitz...
Barney: Oh, God, no!
Marshall: Life moves pretty fast, Barney. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.
Ted: Chicka-chicka!
Zoey: Happy Thanksgiving! Ted.
Ted: Zoey.
Lily: Best friend alert!
Ted: Okay, the Turturkeykey is officially cooking.
Marshall: Oh, God, that is disgusting!
Ted: Okay, guys, that's starting to hurt.
Marshall: No... no, Ted. Random number guy just sent me his wang back.
Robin: Wow. You sent a wang out, and you got a wang back.
Lily: It's a boom-a-wang.
Robin: Nice.
Lily: Thank you.
Robin: No, I meant the wang.
Zoey: Barney, could you get me some more ice?
Barney: Sure. But... no one move while I'm gone. I'm scared.
Steve: You're safe. It's okay to leave the room. You have to actually leave the building for something cool to happen.
Barney: Thanks. You're the only one who's nice to me about this.
Steve: Okay, I got to test this.
Barney: What happened?
Lily: You missed it!
Marshall: Dude, you walked out of the room, the laws of physics stopped and the laws of awesome tripled.
Barney: Aw, man! You said I could leave the room!
Steve: I just wanted to see something cool happen. I'm sorry. But I was on that island for what seems like eternity. I'm going to enjoy things on the other side.
Barney: No! Y-You... Robin, Robin. I will pay you to be The Blitz. $100! No-- $10,000. No-- 60 bucks. That's a lot of money for someone like you.
Marshall: Dude, The Blitz isn't something that can be bought or sold.
Zoey: Yeah, it's not like Ted's integrity.
integrity 誠実
Ted: Oh, what was that? I was distracted by the four-caret diamond your 53-year-old husband bought you.
Steve: Facial!
Ted: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a turturkeykey to baste.
Zoey: I'm coming with you.
Ted: No... I baste alone.
Zoey: Oh, I'm sure you're a master baster, Ted.
Steve: Word play. Loving it.
Zoey: But relax. I've got a ton of sides to heat up since my plans fell through.
Ted: Who canceled? Your coven?
coven 魔女の集まり
Steve: Coven. Group of witches.
Zoey: Yeah. They were worn out from putting that spell on your hair.
Steve: Oh! Serve returned.
Ted: Are you happy? You're ruining Thanksgiving.
Zoey: Well, you're not exactly who I thought I'd be spending Thanksgiving with, either.
Steve: God, I'm so happy to be here. My face hurts from smiling.