Let's get this party started. Hey, can you push the button?
Do not touch that button.
Just give it a little push. Halfway.
Don't push it.
Just push it a little.
Don't listen to him.
Half of it, halfway, halfway...
Don't even touch it.
Why can't I push the button?
Because whenever Barney sees a button-- any button... he has to push it.
Why are you so mad?
Because my rehearsal dinner was supposed to start ten minutes ago. But instead of stuffing my face with hors d'oeuvres that I have been dreaming about for months, I am in a laser tag security office, waiting for the police to arrest my fiance for causing a disturbance.
hors d'oeuvres オードブル disturbance 騒ぎ
Hey, you said fiance. That's a good sign. Now what do you say we give that old button a push?
Take a good look at this face, Barney, okay? 'Cause it'll be useful for the future. This is my pretty mad face.
Well, then, we've got a problem. 'Cause it looks a lot like your pretty hungry face.
I'm missing the bacon-wrapped figs!
fig いちじく
Please push the button!
Why is it so cold in here? You trying to get me to talk or something?
Not really. In fact, if you could just sit there quietly...
Fine, I'll talk. It all started a few months ago, when I had the most awesome idea ever.
Laser tag rehearsal dinner!
That might be the worst idea you've ever had, which is saying a lot.
Name one bad idea I've ever had.
Name 指定する
Gluten-free edible panties.
edible 食べられる
Hot dog on a stick on a bun.
Inflatable sex toy life raft.
Inflatable 膨らませることができる life raft 救命ボート
The breast augmentation channel.
Single malt Scotch tape.
The time you ran for mayor.
run for 立候補する
I still have 12,000 buttons that say, The only poll I care about is in my pants.
Barney, planning a wedding is all about compromise. Do you remember that one night, right after we got engaged?
compromise 妥協
Where is this wedding gonna be, anyway?
You know, I thought it might be nice to get married in Canada. I mean, it's where I'm from, and... Okay. Let's have it. Get it over with, get it all out of your system.
Let's have it なんなの言って Get it over with おしまいにする
I'm the groom, I'm the groom, I might as well start. Canada? What, are we gonna walk down the aisle to Crash Test Dummies? Play's to Marshall.
Canada? What are you gonna do, hire a regular dog sled or a stretch?
sled そり
Canada? Are you registered at Tim Hortons?
Canada. Oh, does the organist play wearing mittens?
Canada? How are you gonna slip the ring on the bride's finger if she's wearing mittens?
Two mitten jokes in a row? So... you're pretty much done, then?
Kids... we weren't even close.
Canada. What do we ask on the wedding invitation? Will you be having the elk or the moose?
elk ヘラジカ moose ムース
Canada. What, are you gonna walk down the aisle wearing snowshoes?!
Canada. What, is everyone gonna have access to universal healthcare so no one has to choose between going bankrupt and treating a life-threatening illness?
Canada? W-What's the band gonna play for your first dance? Crash Test Dummies? See, it's funny cause who gets a band?
Enough. It was just an idea.
Okay, okay. Seriously, Robin, doing it here in New York would be easier, since all of our friends and a lot of our family are here. But... I want you to have the wedding that you want. So if it's Canada... just say the word. And then say it again in French.
See? I compromised.
Fine. We'll just have a nice, tasteful rehearsal dinner. Maybe at a French restaurant. I know just the place.
tasteful 趣味の良い
What's the name of the restaurant?
La... ser tag.
You know, I was thinking about what to get you guys for a wedding gift. As you know, I'm kind of the wedding gift master. And, well, all this talk of the rehearsal dinner gives me a fantastic idea. I've been meaning to start taking piano lessons again.
No. No piano time.
Guys! Just let me perform something. I'll-I'll tickle the keys. It'll be great.
tickle 満足させる
Not even if you dressed up as Liberace.
What if I dressed up as Liberace?
And that was the end of it. Until my bachelor party.
Uh-oh.Let me guess. There was a stripper. You had a little fun. Maybe took some ill-advised pictures. Next thing you know, she's blackmailing you into bankruptcy, and your medical degree's hanging on the wall of a laser tag security office!
ill-advised 軽率な bankruptcy 破綻
The night of my bachelor party, my friends took me to a crappy hotel, hired my ex-fiancee to be the stripper, I lost thousands of dollars, and my best friend even had his hand cut off. It would've been the worst night of all time if the whole thing hadn't been a prank planned by my beautiful, amazing fiancee. She put me through hell just to give me the best surprise of my life...which, p.s.,included an appearance by my favorite actor... non-porn category.
prank いたずら
Wow, that sounds pretty cool.
Yeah. Except pretty not cool, because he kept talking about how he was gonna get me back, and sure enough, a few days later...
Robin, there's no good way to say this. I've made a huge mistake. I can't go through with the wedding.
I'm so sorry. I-I just... I had to tell you before it was too late.
Oh, my God, you're serious.
Yeah. And since this is my apartment, I think that you should move out.
I know. Great prank, right?
That is awful.
You're a frickin' weirdo.
Such a weirdo. Careful, watch the robe.
Anyway, for reasons only you guys and Robin but nobody normal like me would understand, she got cranky. And she laid down the law.
lay down 制定する
No more surprises.
But you love surprises. Almost as much as I love lickin' myself! That was me talking, not the puppy.
Barney, the surprises are out of hand and they have to stop. Deal?
Fine. Deal.
This whole no more surprises thing is so unfair. Who does that?
Barney, the no more surprises thing is the best part of being married.
It's true. When I wake up in the morning, I know what Lily's breath is gonna smell like. It's like... roses. Do you really want a marriage where you have this paranoia that Robin's hiding around every corner, planning to get you back with some crazy new prank?
You're absolutely right. Thank you, Lily.
No, th... that was me, over here.
He wasn't listening.
If you guys are saying what I think you're saying...
Probably not. Go on.
...then that must mean...
No, it doesn't.
...that Robin is planning a surprise laser tag rehearsal dinner!
Dude, Robin is not planning a surprise laser tag rehearsal dinner.
Yes, she is.
No, she isn't.
Yes, she is.
No, I'm not!
Yes, she is.
No, she isn't.
Then why did she pretend to ridicule it as an idiotic idea?
ridicule あざ笑う
Because it is an idiotic idea. If Robin actually was planning a surprise, don't you think she would tell her maid of honor?
She didn't tell you cause you can keep a secret the way my dentist keeps his car keys. You don't know him, but he's lost them... like, twice. Actually, just once, and... that time they were in his other pocket.
I can't keep a secret?
He does have a point, Lily. You're kind of famous for the old blabbity-blabbity.
Hey. How was lunch with Debbie?
Great. She's pregnant! Oops. I'm not supposed to tell anybody.
Why not?
Because she's getting a divorce. Damn it!
Debbie's getting a divorce?
Yeah, she walked in on her husband having sex. Oh! Come on, Lily.
Well, maybe we don't need to know every gory...
With a man. Will you get it together, Aldrin?!
get it together 冷静さを取り戻す
You okay, Lily?
And that guy's the father of the baby. I gotta go lie down.