It's called iliopsoas tendonitis.
iliopsoas tendonitis 腸腰筋の腱
Oh, Yikes.That sounds bad.
It's more commonly known as dancer's hip.
Dr.Goodman Oh, come on! Iliopsoas tendonitis.That's what it's called.That's all it's called.
Iliopsoas tendonitis.It's a basketball injury.You know, it's no big whoop.
whoop 叫ぶ
Dancer's hip, Marshall has something called dancer's hip.
Okay, no, no, okay.They only call it that, look, because it's very common with ballet dancers.
So, tell me, do any of the other little girls in your class have dancer's hip?
Yeah, sure.
I have more of a technical question.
Is it easier to dance when you don't have external genitalia?
genitalia 性器
Good, don't build to that-just go right for it.
Guys, come on.Marshall didn't get this injury from dancing.
Thank you, Lily.
Clearly, the stirrups were set a little too wide during his last trip to the gyno.
stirrup あぶみ gyno 婦人科医
Guys, I hate to cut you off before Marshall bursts into tears, but, Robin, check this out.What you need is an awesome video resume.Like mine.I present: Barneysvideoresume.com.
Oh, hello.
Barney Stinson, you've achieved great success in business, athletics and personal relationships and have been an inspiration to many people.
Is that you? Are you interviewing yourself?
How can it be me? That guy's British.
What would you recommend to your numerous admirers who want to reach their highest potential?
numerous 多数の admirer ファン
And a wee bit Scottish.
wee ちっちゃな
The first thing you need to know about success is that it doesn't just come to you.
Most people associate success with money and power, but really it's a state of mind.
associate 連想する state of mind 気持ち
You had to be on a motorcycle to say that?
And when it comes to success the only limit is that there are no limits.
Hey, I didn't know you knew how to stand near a horse; that's impressive.
Barney, I don't get it.You don't do a damn thing in any of these clips.
Exactly.Because that's who corporate American wants-people who seem like bold risk takers, but never actually do anything.Actually doing things gets you fired.In fact, I'm writing a book on this very phenomenon.
Really, you're writing a book?
No, that would be doing some Are you even listening?
All my life, I have dared to go past what is possible.
dare あえて〜する
To the impossible?
Actually, past that-to the place where the possible and the impossible meet to become the possimpible.
The possimpible? Really?
Inventing your own word shows creativity and vision Vizha-tivity.
If I can leave you with one thought, it's this: Nothing-and everything-is possimpible.
Is that you again? Are you singing a song about yourself?
Absolutely not.That would be lame.
That baby got me 11 job offers.
No.No way.
Barney, that was ridiculous and insane.
Make me one.
Yes, now you're talking.
I'm about to be deported.I'll try anything.
deport 国外退去
Okay, we better get started.There's a lot to shoot, and I don't think I can use any of the footage I already have of you.
shoot 撮影する footage ビデオ
What footage do you already have of me?
Let's just get started.
Oh, sweetie.Are you still upset about the dancer's hip jokes?
We were just kidding.We all know it's a basketball injury.
Yeah, totally.Lily, I have something I need to tell you.
What is it?
I dance more than you know.
I dance more than you know.
I don't know how to respond to that.
So, Robin, what does being a reporter mean to you?
Well, ever since I was a little kid, I always
Cut! Robin, you're getting bogged down in specifics.I need you to just say vague, confident-sounding buzzwords, like "synergy" and "dynamism." You can make up a word, like "linkativity".
bog down 行き詰る in specific 特に vague 曖昧な
How will sounding like an idiot get me hired anywhere?
Okay, fine.Don't do it.Anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of exciting stories to cover back in Canada.I just read that the mayor of Winnipeg's nephew went ice fishing and caught himself a 16-pound walleye.Reporting live from the worst place in the world, I'm Robin Scherbatsky.
Okay, fine.Roll camera.Connectitude.
Love it.
Earn it!
Yeah, linkativity's mine.
So, how much dancing are we talking about?
I don't I guess I'd say medium.
Why are you dancing so much, and why don't I know about it?
It's-It's something I do when I'm alone.You know, like if something good happens, I get excited and I need to move, and I just I don't know.I don't want to even talk about this anymore.
So that's how you injured your hip?
Hey, did you hear? They're giving us a half day today.We can leave at 2:00.
Great! Thanks, Herm.