Robin: We can split a cab to work together. We always have a standing lunch date. And last night, at the hockey game, Curt got us into the locker room, and I met Mason Raymond. Left wing for the Vancouver canucks.
split a cab タクシー代を割る
Barney: What the opposite of name-dropping?
name-dropping 有名人の名前を自分の知人であるかのように持ち出して自慢話をすること
Robin: Damn it you guys, be psyched. Yes, we see each other every day, but I think it's going really well.
Lily: That's what we thought.
Lily: And it's so convenient. They're right across the hall. Say it's sunday and we want to have a brunch double date with someone.
Marshall: We just go across the hall.
Lily: And say we want to have a dinner party exploring the wine and cuisine of France's Loire Valley.
Marshall: We just go across the hall.
Lily: Say we want to play a game of charades...
charade ジェスチャーゲーム
Barney: You just go across the hall?
Lily: Come on people, get excited for us! We've got a great thing going here.
Barney: That's what I thought.
Marshall: Dude, you got to flick it.
Barney: You don't have...
Wendy: Hi, sweetie. I had the kitchen whip these up, no charge. Okay. Bye. I mean, not bye. I'm not leaving. I'll be over there. Okay.
Barney: Come on, guys, free nachos. What?
Ted: We like this bar.
Marshall: Don't kill the bar, dude.
Ted: Barney, we love this bar.
Marshall: Don't kill the bar, dude.
Ted: This bar is like home to us.
Marshall: Don't kill the bar.
Lily: You're killing the bar.
Barney: I'm not killing the bar. Wendy the waitress has seen how I operate in this place. It is perfectly clear to everyone involved that this is nothing more than a temporary fling. It's fiiine.
Barney: But it wasn't.
Marshall: It's fine.
Lily: But it wasn't.
Robin: It's fine.
Robin: But it wasn't.
Barney: Which brings us to step 5: THE TIPPING POINT.
Curt:...But he should be back on the mound by spring training and that's sport. Back to you, Robin.
Robin: Thanks iron man we'll be right back.
Productor: And clear.
Robin: So you want to do something later?
Curt: Oh, so you're talking to me now?
Robin: What are you talking about?
Curt: I'm talking about last night. You said you'd call and you didn't. I missed you and I waited up, but you didn't call. That really hurts.
Robin: Oh, um, I'm sorry, I guess I just forgot.
Curt: I'm sorry Sweetie. I don't want to fight tonight. It's our first weekiversary.
Marshall: On my suggestion, you...
Barney: Hey, Wendy, uh, do me a favor and send a glass of champagne to that pretty young girl over there.
Wendy: What?
Barney: Over there... YOU... you're the pretty young thing...is what I meant. Champagne? Would you? on me.
Wendy: Oh, okay, thanks sweetie.
Barney: Okay. All right.
Michael: Hey, neighbors.
Laura: We bought all the fixings for a mexican fiesta.
fixing 料理のつま
Lily: Um, well, we actually have tickets...
Michael: And no fiesta would be complete without
Marshall: Dude, actually, we made other plans, so... okay.
Michael: Charades!
Laura: What do you say?
All: Oh no!
Barney: Which brings to step 6.
Ted: Yeah, listen I'm leaving so if you want to write the rest of these down, I will read it tomorrow.
Barney: Don't do this Ted.
Ted: You want to get out of the way?
get out of the way 邪魔にならないようにする
Barney: Don't do this Ted. Don't.
Ted: Dude! ya! It was perfect! You're such a jerk!
Barney: Which brings us to step 6. You finally realize you've made a huge mistake and now you have to live with it. Step 6 is called purg... wait for it. Keep waiting. Keep waiting for the eternity only to discover there's no escap-atory.
eternity 長い時間
Robin: God, I'm such an idiot.
Marshall: Yeah.
Robin: Curt "the iron man" irons keeps leaving me love notes on post-its. On the teleprompter, on my desk, on the coffee-maker, on the jar of sugar packets next to the coffee-maker.
Lily: Here's some sugar for my sugar.
Robin: The iron man. oh!
Marshall: I remember that.
Marshall: No! We are such idiots!
Barney: Yeah!
Lily: Every time we step out the door, they're out there waiting for us. Sometimes, we'll send Ted out first as a scout. Nobody's there. Then we'll go out one second later, and there they are.
Marshall: It's freakin' supernatural. Are they ghosts? Can only we see them?
Lily: "Hey neighbor!" "Hey, neighbor""Hey neighbor."
Barney: I remember that. [2005 -The bar- All]
Barney: How could you guys let me date Wendy the waitress?
All: Oh you are kidding me?! What?!
Marshall: Don't kill the bar dude!
Lily: We said "don't do it!"
Barney: Tss. My own bar. I can't hit on women in my own bar. Remember the old Barney? He was a lion, the king of the jungle, stalking whatever prey he chose, going in for the kill.
Ted: You've got a whole meat locker at home full of corpses, don't you?
corpse 死骸
Barney: Now look at me. Declawed. Neutered. What was once my jungle is now my zoo and I am forced to mate with the same old lioness again, and again, and again while families pay to watch.
Ted: Yeah, This metaphor's really falling apart.
Barney: Put a bell around my neck and scratch my belly kids, for I am just a docile housecat now. Miaou!
docile 従順な
Lily: Well, we love this bar. You can't dump her. Marry her if you have to.
Robin: Wendy the waitress hyphen Stinson.
Marshall: Don't kill the bar dude.