She's even better than I remember. Of course, if you're gonna con a guy with a savior complex, convince him that you need to be saved. It's genius. I don't believe it. She's got you fooled too?
Oh, I'm not fooled. I'm concerned.
As am I. Jack is clearly in too deep.
For you. You're thinking with your heart instead of your head.
I'm not. I know Eva.
No, you knew her, Moz. That was five years ago.
Oh, people don't change. Look at you. You went to prison. You got out and went right back to the same game. We are who we are.
And even we can be blinded by love. You know I've learned that one the hard way.
And who had your back all those times?
You did, and I have yours now. If this is about saving a charity, I'm in. But if it's just about Eva, you should walk away. Trust me.
I require wisdom from the nectar of the gods.
You got it. First pour's on me.
Some journeys need to be walked alone.
You are not what I pictured when Eva told me about her ex. Got to say, Mozzie, her new partner's definitely an upgrade.
I knew it. Eva hasn't changed. She's not in love. She's still a con artist.
Eva has moved on. I strongly suggest you do the same. People can get really hurt if they refuse to let go.
You can't threaten me.
Blather all you want. Who's gonna believe you? You're a conspiracy nut and a criminal. Look, face it... in a game of you against me, guys like me win every time. Guys like you, no one even pays attention.
blather ばかげたことを言う
I was right... mostly.
I never should have let you drink alone. What happened?
I was attacked by Jack Conroy. He and Eva are in on it together.
No, no, no, no, I think you've had enough nectar of the gods for one night.
I've never been of clearer mind. I should have seen it from the beginning. He was just too perfect, with that fake limp and that real hair.
If Jack and Eva are working together, why would he come clean to you?
I don't know. Must I have all the answers? Isn't my bloodshed enough?
You shed blood?
shed blood 血を流す
I can see that you've suffered.
He hit me exactly where he knew you couldn't see it, like he does it for a living.
Then maybe you should leave this alone.
No cost is too high for justice. You said you had my back.
All right, I'll talk to Peter tomorrow. In the meantime, no more altercations, really this time.
My wound needs a salve.
salve 軟膏
I'm getting you a band-aid.
What's going on?
We got the airport data off the randomizer. It gave us the initials SFO.
San Francisco International.
They stole the algorithm, now they've gone quiet.
This could be the big score.
Except it's going down this afternoon.
The randomizer gave us the airline and the flight number. The plane arrives today at 2:30 P.M. Pacific Time.
There's another number, but we can't figure out what it is. It could be some kind of code to the shipment.
Woodford cut me out. You think Keller told him?
You're the new guy. Maybe they don't quite trust you yet. All that matters now is stopping them.
Well, unless we can get our hands on a G6, there's no way to get there in time.
get one's hands on 手に入れる
All right, I'm putting the San Francisco Bureau on it. Get me their ASAC now.
Look, this whole mission depends on catching these guys in the act.
in the act 現行犯で
I'm gonna make sure that happens.
ASAC Rollins. Agent Burke. What? No, I need to speak with ASAC Rollins.
While you're on hold, there's another matter that could use our help.
Let me guess.
Mozzie had a run-in with Eva's fiance.
Of course he did. I told you two to stay out of it.
He attacked Mozzie after they met.
He attacked him?
Mozzie claims he was beaten.
Mozzie also claims the government uses fluoride to control my mind.
You said you would look into the situation.
Transferred to Seattle? Why... I need to speak to whoever is in charge right now.
So you looked into Jack and Eva?
They're clean, as far as I can tell.
And the charity?
Seems legit. And the accounts are secure. So, even if they were pulling a con, there's no way to access the funds.
From my experience, whenever someone says, "there's no way this is a con..."
It's usually a con. This is Special Agent Burke. I'm the ASAC of the New York White Collar Division. My team and I are chasing the Pink Panthers. We have intel that they're targeting a plane coming into San Francisco at 2:30.
Yes, today.
Make sure he knows the Panthers can sniff out Feds from a mile away.
I don't have to tell you the Panthers are the best in the world. You'll need your top team on this. Great. My office will fill you in on the rest. You'll know everything we know.
Get everything we have on the Panthers and coordinate with San Francisco.
We're compiling it now. Should have it in the next couple of minutes.
I want updates on this every half hour until it's over.
Got it.
We'll go crazy if we sit here and watch the clock.
We're back to Mozzie again?
Well, he did help you find me and bring down Boothe. That earns him a few minutes of government service.
bring down 意気消沈させる
What do you have in mind?
This is not what I had in mind when you said "stakeout."
We can turn on the game if you want.
turn on 熱狂させる
There's no game.
No. It's my car.
They're here.
The image of that is just extraordinary.
Here, you have to capture the moment of truth.
I'm pretty sure the only thing I'm gonna capture are two people splitting an order of calamari.
I've been thinking...
Shh. They're talking.
Oh, if he shushes me one more time in my car...
I want to announce our engagement tonight at the gala. I want the whole world to know how lucky I am to have you.
Oh, I would love that. And I love you.
Oh, they're good.
Well, looks pretty convincing to me.
Oh, but, you know, it's complicated.
Because of Mozzie? I should have mentioned this earlier. I ran into him yesterday.
How did you run into Mozzie?
Oh, here it is. He's gonna come clean.
He came to me with some wild theories about you and me.
Oh, I should have known when I asked him for a divorce he would do something crazy. He's probably intimidated by you. Poor thing.
intimidate 怖がらせる
Poor thing? I'm the victim.
I just feel bad for him.
Don't you dare feel bad for me.
Okay, I'm calling it off.
Wait. Hold on. Hold on. If this were my con, I'd be doing the same thing. You never drop the act in public in case someone's listening.
He's right.
They're never gonna drop the act until I make them.
Mozzie, do not leave this car.
Where are you going?
Get back in here.
I would not recommend that.
Mozzie, what are you doing here?
I've decided to sign the divorce papers. As you know, I am a reasonable man. You didn't have to attack me so viciously.
viciously 意地悪く
What's he talking about?
I have no idea. I thought we had a nice conversation.
Well, it was honest. I'll give you that. I just know you two are planning something.
Mozzie, I know that you like to create stories to deal with things that you don't understand, but you can't just make wild accusations. What Jack and I have is real.
wild accusation 的外れな誹謗
Uh, what you have is as real as his limp, and you leave me no choice but to prove it.
Ah! I have had enough.
Okay, should we go get him?
No, I think he needs to see this through.
Well, that doesn't prove anything. Anyone can fake a scar.
Mozzie, stop it! Mozzie, stop, please.
Haven't you embarrassed yourself enough? Let's go.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I'm okay. I will be vindicated.
I don't think this is what Mozzie meant when he said "moment of truth."
I think it is. I think Mozzie could be right.