Kids, in October 2011, your Aunt Robin was in therapy.And against all logic, it was actually going well.
But why? Why-why am I constantly looking for reasons not to be happy?
Maybe because the idea of finally being happy terrifies you.
Bro, you are killing it today.Pshh! We got something good here.We are totes gonna conquer my fear of abandonment!
tote 背負う conquer 獲得する abandonment 放棄
I can't see you anymore.
Nice."Oh, no! You're abandoning me!" Oh, no.You're abandoning me?
I'm sorry.I'm moving to Alaska.
And that might have been the end of it.But a week later
Kevin?! What are you doing here?
Okay, look, I lied to you about moving to Alaska.I-I had to stop seeing you.
'Cause I think you're cute.And ethically, I can't be your therapist if I'm attracted to you.
ethically 倫理的に
Oh, I get it.You dump me as a patient just so you can ask me out?
I'm not gonna ask you out.
You're not?
No.We met in therapy.It's inappropriate for me to date a patient.Anyway, it was nice seeing you.
inappropriate 不適切な
Hey, wait.How do you define "date"?
Two people having a meal together, sitting across the table making googly eyes at each other
What about two people eating alone, sitting side by side, making googly eyes at the coffee maker?
Okay, it's not a date.
Exactly.Not a date.
And so Robin and Kevin had breakfast alone, side by side every day that week.Until finally
Oh, hey! Sorry.No cabs.Ran 40 blocks all the way here.May have knocked an old lady into the street, don't know, I didn't look back.
Let's just go on a real date.
Yeah, that might be a good idea.
Oh, I can't wait to see that movie.Is it good?
Awesome.Wait, totally hypothetically, do you like movies with a shocking twist where all the main characters die at the end?
You will love this movie.
Hey, guys.
Hey, Marshall.What's up?
Well, I'll tell you what's up.You know how my boss, Garrison Cootes, is, like, the most famous environmental lawyer in the world?
I mean, it's him or the other guy.
Sir Anthony Howel?
Anyway, he's an important guy, okay? And so today at work, I was trying to show him that I'm tough.
I've been thinking about this settlement offer we're about to get from Gruber Pharmaceuticals.If it's anything less than $20 million, then I'm gonna grab those corporate Earth rapists by their
settlement 示談
Okay, I'm just gonna say something.I'm growing a child in my belly, a child that just developed ears.This is a very thin sweater.So please, if you must tell your story just make it cheerful.
Then I'm gonna grab those corporate employees by their sweaty, dangling hands and squeeze until those greedy sons of parents realize that I'm the baddest mother nature lover around.
dangle ぶらぶらする squeeze 不正な金 greedy 欲張りの
It's like watching The Breakfast Club on TBS.
So what did he say?
Marshall, bend down so I can put my arm around you.That's all the way down.That's good.Gruber Pharmaceuticals is a company full of well-meaning people doing their jobs, just like you and me.
bend down かがむ
Guys, I'm afraid that Garrison Cootes has gone soft! He's like a teddy bear!
A teddy bear or an Ewok? You know, cute and cuddly around the village, but once the battle starts
He'll smash in your metal skull with giant swinging logs.
Okay, he'll hug you until you agree to peaceably shut down the Death Star.
Hi, sweetie.
What are we all talking about?
Ugh, I hate the Ewoks.The only good thing about Ewoks in that movie? You got to see some of them die.Well, I fancy a pint.
fancy a pint ビールが飲みたい気分だ
Nora hates Ewoks.Well, I have to break up with her.Be gentle when you tell her, guys.I'll call you from Vegas.Tell me how it went.Okay.
Okay, Barney! Sit down! Not liking Ewoks is no reason not to date somebody.
Yeah, I mean, who knows what the rules are, ya know? I mean, you're dating a girl who doesn't like Ewoks, I'm dating my former therapist.
Oh! Eww!
We are gentlemen of Harvard!
It's not a big deal!
Robin, if you asked a hundred people, "Who's the worst person you could possibly date?" they'd all say, "Your therapist." Except the ones saying "Barney."
Hey! Yeah, that tracks.
Well, I should get going.I got the big field trip tomorrow.
Field trip?
Yeah.I'm taking my Intro to Architecture class to the GNB Tower construction site.I'm trying to get them interested in architecture as a career.
Are we running out of buildings?
Are we running out of boring people?
Guys, this is a big deal, okay? If I can get just one kid interested in becoming an architect
Okay, I'm just gonna stop you right there.Ted, it's an Intro class.
Yeah, don't try to Stand and Deliver an Intro class.
Nobody takes an Intro class to get on any other path but the path to not being hungover anymore.I learned that in my Intro to something-ology class.
Well that's fine for something-ology, but tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.sharp Intro to Architecture is going on a field trip! All 200 of 'em.
Well, it's 9:45.I guess the other 170 of you got lost, so we'll just start.Now, some might say you guys are just taking this class because it's easy or because you've confused architecture with archaeology and think we're gonna do some cool Indiana Jones stuff today.But I think that I think just maybe, we got some future architects in the house.Show of hands: who's thinking about a career in architecture? Well, today, all that's gonna change.Follow me.
Hey.Uh, sorry, nobody gets in here without a site pass.
It's okay, I'm Ted Mosby, the architect of this building.
I don't care if you're the archaeologist of this building.Site's closed.
Moving on!
That morning, Marshall's firm was getting the settlement offer from Gruber Pharmaceuticals, and Marshall couldn't wait to see the teddy bear turn into an Ewok.
Gruber Pharmaceuticals dumped toxic waste into Frog Creek, a tributary of the Trout River that feeds into Clearwater Lake.All three of which now need new names.So it's time to win one for Mother Earth.Let's take out the trash, shall we?!
tributary 支流の
All right, everyone grab a bag.Blue is recycling, green, compost.There we go.
Sheila we're ready to hear your offer.$24,000? Yeah , that seems reasonable.