Narator: When you're single and your friends start to get married, every wedding invitation presents a strange moment of self-evaluation. Will you be bringing a guest or will you be attending alone? What it's really asking is where do you see yourself in three months? Sitting next to your girlfriend or hitting on a bridesmaid? I always checked that I was bringing a guest. I was an optimist.
invitation 招待 present 贈る self-evaluation 自己評価 optimist 楽観主義者、楽天家、のんきもの
Ted: Who the hell am I gonna bring to this wedding?
Barney: Ted, have you ignored all my teachings?
Ted: For the most part, yeah.
Barney: You don't bring a date to a wedding. That's like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. Oh Ted, oh Ted, no, no date.
carcass 〔動物の〕死体、死骸
Ted: Deer carcass, really? That's the metaphor you're going for?
Barney: Ted, it's a simile.
simile 直喩
Ted: Well, it's too late now. If I don't bring a date, a $200 piece of chicken-slash-salmon will go uneaten. I gotta bring someone, but who?
uneaten 食べられていない
Narator: Of course I knew who I wanted to bring Robin.
Narator: The big unanswered question in my life. Problem was, she was dating this really rich guy named Derek.
Narator: Pft, Derek.
Robin: Well, Derek and I just broke up.
Lily: No, that's terrible, are you OK?
Marshall: Yeah, do you need a drink or something?
Robin: Never really clicked. I felt bad though, he was pretty bummed.
We just clicked 意気投合する bummed がっかりした、落ち込んだ、元気のない、へこんだ
Barney: Don't beat yourself up. He'll be fine. I mean, the guy's like a billionaire. He can put his platinum card on a fishing line and reel in 10 chicks hotter than you.
Don't beat yourself up 自分を責めないで
Robin: Thanks, I feel a lot better. Think I'll get that drink now.
Ted: OK, guys, I gotta say something. I think my feelings for Robin may be resurfacing.
resurfaces 再浮上する
Lily: Oh, because they were buried in a shallow grave.
bury 忘れ去る、葬り去る、思い出さないようにする shallow 浅はかな grave 墓
Marshall: Not again. Come on, dude, we all know how this movie ends. Ted falls in love. Love kicks Ted in the sprouts. Roll credits.
sprouts スプラウト
Ted: No, you guys just have to look at the whole picture. Fact.
Ted: Robin was into me when we first met. Fact.
Ted: Even though she didn't want a relationship, we had an amazing kiss on the roof. Fact.
Ted: On New Year's Eve, we kissed again. Fact.
Ted: I need a date to this wedding. Wish me luck.
Barney: What I don't get is, why is Claudia marrying Stuart? She's way hotter than him. How way? Way way.
way + 比較級 ずっと〜だ
Marshall: This wedding does sound pretty amazing though. Fancy hotel ballroom, everybody all dressed up.
Lily: Ah, here we go.
Barney: What?
Lily: We can't get anywhere with our wedding plans because I want it to be fun and Marshall wants it to be lame.
get anywhere with を口説き落とす
Marshall: Oh yeah, OK, that's a pretty fair assessment of our two arguments.
assessment 評価 argument 議論
Lily: I thought so.
Marshall: You know what, excuse me if I don't wanna get married barefoot in the woods next to Lake No-one's-gonna-drive-that-far. Yes, I want a ballroom and I want a band and I want shoes. I've been dreaming about this day since I was like...
barefoot はだしの
Lily: A little girl?
Barney: What up?
Marshall: OK, I'm just saying, that it's my wedding too and I should have a say in it.
Lily: Yes, but I'm the bride so I win.
bride 花嫁、新婦
Marshall: Well, I thought marriage was about two equal partners sharing a life together.
Lily: Right. But I'm the bride, so I win.
Barney: Seriously, Claudia and Stuart?! I mean, I've hooked up with the odd lass who was beneath my level of attractiveness, but, you know, I was drunk. There's no way Claudia has been drunk for three years.
hook up with くっつく、いい仲になる、結婚する odd 残り lass 少女 beneath ふさわしくなくて attractiveness 人を引き付ける[魅了する]こと
Ted: You know, I've always found that the best way to get over a failed relationship is to celebrate someone else's successful one.
Robin: Well, makes sense.
makes sense しっくり来る 納得できる
Ted: So, with that mind, our friends Claudia and Stuart are having this crazy, black-tie wedding on Saturday. You wanna be my 'plus one'?
Robin: Ooh, 'plus one', you make it sound so romantic.
Ted: Fine. You wanna be my date?
Robin: Your date? I'd love to. Um, how fancy are we talking about here?
Ted: Oh, you're gonna wanna bring your A game.
A game The term can also be used for other definitions of game
Robin: Oh, I'll bring it. I'll bring it so hard the bride's gonna look like a big white bag of crap.
Robin: Lily, I need a dress.
Lily: You're going. That's awesome. Oh my God, four days to find a dress?
Robin: I know, it's a suicide mission.
Lily: Well, if we leave now, we can still have a fighting chance. Let's do it.
Marshall: Bye babe.
Ted: Whoa, did you see how fired up she was? I don't know, there's something there. And come Saturday, a little music, a little dancing, a lot of champagne. Who knows?
Barney: Wow, Ted, you're gonna have to find another gender for yourself 'cause I'm revoking your dude membership.
Ted: Yeah, how was that manicure yesterday?
Barney: Invigorating, thanks.
Invigorating 元気づける
Narator: OK, I wasn't going to say it in front of the guys but back then I really thought that's how it worked.
Narator: You put yourself and a girl you like in some romantic setting. The stars line up and shazam.
Put yourself in my shoes 私の立場になってみて。 shazam ジャーン
Narator: I know now that life is never that simple.
Ted: Hey, Claudia!
Claudia: Yes, I want Tahitian vanilla. You wrote it down wrong? No no no no no, listen to me. If I go to my wedding and the cake is not Tahitian vanilla, I will come down there and burn your little shop to the ground. Do you wanna find out if I'm kidding? Good-bye.
burn to the ground 焼け落ちる、全焼する、焼失する
Ted: Hey, how's it going?
Claudia: My wedding's in two days, that's how it's going.
Ted: Oh, don't worry, it's gonna be great. I'm so excited.
Claudia: You should be, lots of single girls.
Ted: Oh, well, yeah, I'm bringing a date, so I'll be off the market.
Claudia: What?
Ted: I'm bringing a date.
Claudia: You're not bringing a date.
Ted: Uh, yes I am.
Claudia: Uh, no you're not.
Ted: I checked 'plus one'.
Claudia: No you didn't.
Ted: Claudia, I'm pretty sure I checked...
Claudia: Ted, you did not check 'plus one', you are not bringing a date to my wedding.
Ted: But I already invited someone.
Claudia: You are not bringing a guest, Ted. The guest list has been closed for months. Months!
Ted: But I checked 'plus one'. I always check 'plus one'.
Claudia: You absolutely did not check 'plus one'. If you had checked 'plus one', I would have called you to get the name of your guest so I could get the guest cards printed up. Did I call you to get the name of your guest? Is there a place card with her name card printed on it?
Ted: She doesn't need a place card, she knows her name.
Claudia: What's she eating? You ordered the chicken, what did she order? Do you see how your story is full of holes?
Ted: Come on, Claudia, we go way back. Isn't there room for just one more person?
go way back 昔からの友人である
Claudia: Don't make me hurt you Ted.
Ted: I don't believe this, Claudia is crazy.
Barney: But to be fair, she's also hot.
Ted: I totally checked 'plus one', I'm sure I did.
Barney: Yeah, right.
Ted: I did.
Barney: Yeah, I don't think you did. You know why? Because deep down, you didn't want to show up at this thing with a date. See, for all your big talk about being ready for a relationship, deep down you're single. It's your default setting. Ted, you know what's in the back of your brain?
Ted: Oh great, here comes the 'little Barney' speech.
Barney: Behind a curtain, in a dark little room, secretly controlling your every move...
Ted,Marshall: A little Barney.
Barney: A little Barney. And you know what he said? "Ted, you will bring no dates to this wedding. You will hit on drunk bridesmaids with actual-size Barney."
Marshall: Wow.
Ted: Please stop. I gotta call Claudia. If I just explain to her...
Marshall: Ted, no. Let it go. She's about to get married. She's got enough to worry about.
Ted: Then what am I gonna do?
Marshall: The only thing you can do. Tell Robin she can't come.