Kids, October of 2012 kicked off The Autumn of Breakups.And Barney, having broken his engagement with Quinn, was slowly trying to pick himself back up.
Welcome to Bangtoberfest! Have a Bangtoberfest T-shirt! I'm back! Have a Bangtoberfest T-shirt! I'm single again! Sorry about your eye! I'm available!
Bangtoberfest: This Time It's Really Not Personal.
Barney, you just went through some really big emotional stuff.You need to give yourself some time to heal.
Robin, I spent seven grand on merch.This is happening.
Hi, Marshall.
So, Lily's dad just showed up two days ago unannounced.
Remember when I bought all those Mexican fireworks so I'd never have to buy Christmas presents again?
Oh, God, you blew up the house.
Blew up the house? Oh, no.Nothing like that, no.No, the fireworks blew up the garage.The house burned down.Holy frijoles, do I smell brownies?
We covered that fire on the news.I had no idea naked man runs back into inferno to rescue potato salad was Mickey.
inferno 猛火
My hour's up.Your turn, Marshall.Oh, no.Baby Marvin, did you just go poo-poo? Craziest thing.He just went poo-poo this very second.
Are you sure this poo-poo didn't happen on your watch and you just ran out the clock until it was my problem?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, right.What kind of mother lets her son sit in his own filth for an extra nine minutes and 42 seconds?
filth 汚物
I got my eye on you, Aldrin.It's watering right now, but I got my eye on you.
I can't believe I have to go back to work on Monday and we still haven't found a nanny.
Well, if Grandpa Mickey's there, couldn't he just
Are you kidding? My dad was never there for me when I was a kid.And when he was
What's wrong, Daddy?
Oh, Daddy can't pick a horse to save his freakin' life.All I need is just one lucky number.Hey, when's your birthday?
We've got to find a nanny, and my dad's definitely not it.
Well, um, and this doesn't solve your nanny problem, but if you're in need of a babysitter, Nick and I could do it.We're really clicking as a couple.
click フィーリングが合う
Um, if any couple is clicking these days, it's me and Victoria.
Do you think that you and Victoria are clicking more than me and Nick?
Do you think you and Nick are Oh, that's precious.
Kids, when you're in a new relationship and you're competing with your ex for who's happier, it can get ugly.
Anyway, I should get going.I have to go get a key made for Nick.For my apartment.Ha-burn.
Hey, maybe the locksmith who made the key I gave to Victoria will give you a deal.
Oh, wait, he won't remember me.It was three weeks ago.Ha-double burn.
Nick signed for a package when I wasn't there.
Victoria keeps tampons at my apartment.
Damn it!
The next day, Lily and Marshall's nanny search hit pay dirt.
pay dirt 掘り出し物
Mr. and Mrs.Eriksen, I promise to create a safe, nurturing environment full of learning, laughter and love.So that even when we have to eat lima beans or we get a boo-boo on our knee, we know everything will be just fine.And do you know why?
nurturing 子育て
Because you're an angel sent from heaven?
I want to bury my head in the safety of your bosom.
bosom 胸
Because Mrs.Buckminster is here.
The search is over.Mrs.Buckminster, we just need to know your salary.
Oh, delightful! Well, my weekly fee is
There, there.I'm sure you'll find someone you like just as much.
No, we won't!
Not like you!
Hey, Robin, can I borrow a stamp? Oh, wait, this wedding reply card already has one.Why, you ask? Victoria and I are RSVPing to a wedding in Jamaica six months from now.Ha-triple burn.
That's an island, right?
Depends where you're going with this.
All the way to the island of Hawaii.Why, you ask? Well, I was invited to spend New Year's there last night when I met Nick's parents.Ha-aloha burn.
Have you, um, met Victoria's parents, Ted?
As a matter of fact, I haven't.Because they're dead.
Are they, Ted? Are they really dead?
No.Damn it!
Bangtoberfest is a flop! I can't think of an innovative way to bang chicks that properly honors my return to the game.Sure, I've tried some old reliables.
flop 失敗 properly 適切に reliable 信頼できる
Ten unpaid parking tickets? I suppose there is one way I could get you off.No! I've used that admittedly awesome line a thousand times.You're better than this, Barney!
Well, the evidence is pretty incriminating, but I suppose there is one way I could get you off.Damn it!
incriminating 有罪判決を招くような
What? Bangtoberfest is about innovation, about ideas.Bangtoberfest used to mean something.
You just made it up yesterday.
Enough questions.I need time to think!
So, how's the nanny search going, Lil?
Lousy.Mrs.Buckminster was a spoonful of sugar.But so far, everyone we can afford on this Web site HeyNannyNanny.com is Scary Poppins.
Lousy うんざり
But Lily and Marshall needed a nanny, so they forged ahead with their search.
forge ahead with 推し進める
So, zero experience as a nanny?
Right.But in rehab, I was in charge of the cats.And only two died, so I figured
I'm available.
How do you feel about spanking?
For eight bucks an hour, you can do whatever you want to me.
I'm available.
Dad, we know.
I wasn't talking to you.
Finally, they met Julie Jorgensen.
You're from St.Cloud, Minnesota? I'm from St.Cloud.
Oh, you must know my dad, George Jorgensen?
Of course.George Jorgensen's Organs.
Last year, my brother joined the business.
Really? Who knew that Morgan Jorgensen would go into organs?
Anyway, Julie
Is it still called George Jorgensen's Organs or did they change it to George Jorgensen and Son Organs?
They changed it to George and Morgan Jorgensen's Organs.Guess whose idea that was?
They just opened a new shop out of state.
Oh, yeah? Where?
What's that one called?
Piano Town.
Well, you have experience, and I think it's safe to say you have my husband's approval.What's your salary?
Oh, um, it's right there.
Julie, we would love for you to be our nanny.
Oh, thank you so much.Um, I just have one last interview today, but to be honest, I can't imagine liking anyone more than I like you guys.
Okay, bye.
Well, she was a total bitch.