We're here. What's next?
Okay. Here. My Parisian audio diary, circa march 1983. Max volume. Okay, uh, face west. No, I-I mean east.
Strangers turned up in my apartment again. It happens most nights now. The first time, I opened the door, so I can understand. But now they just push past the gate.
Miss Shepard. Lenny from Raylan. We're dealing with kind of a pipe-burst situation over here, and we're consulting our clients to remove their belongings before they get damaged.
I must always have a bottle of red and a bottle of white on hand, and sometimes they want a card game.
Look, it's -- Oh! Jeffrey, no! No! Oh, no!
"You," I say, "you're next door to the Spanish. "If New Jersey spoke French, perhaps then I would have picked some up."
You can borrow it anytime to hear the rest.
What's next?
Okay, I need you to go down to loco Jerry's. Order an empanada -- sin queso -- then wait in the car. Do not eat it. And no matter what you see or hear, do not exit the vehicle until Shepard is inside that building. Or you can just stay here and watch us work.
I'll get the empanada.
We've closed the court, Mr. Bryson. Are you or are you not prepared to call your witness?
Your honor, the prosecution would like to call Mr. Neal Caffrey to the stand. He's an eyewitness to the benzene vial the defense claims never existed.
Come on, Mozzie. Whatever you're up to... Jones, Diana, get ready to move.
Would you state your full name and title for the court?
Neal George Caffrey, cooperating witness and confidential informant for the FBI.
Mr. Caffrey, why were you sent undercover?
Well, it's a bit of a long story.
We have time.
What you doing, Shepard?
Agent Burke.
Didn't peg you as the type to flood private property, though I do know that you'd never cheat on your wife. It's so interesting to see where one chooses to draw the line.
peg someone as 認める
If you knew those photos were staged, why'd you play along?
stage 演出する play along 騙されたふりをする
Because Delancy's a temperamental idiot and I respect Sara Ellis.
temperamental 気難しい
She wants you behind bars.
No. She doesn't. But you made her choose a side. I blame you for that, not her.
Time for payback. Drill, baby, drill.
Vial's in the trunk. Cuff me, agent.
With pleasure.
Mm-hmm. I'm curious. How does a man who's chosen to uphold the law explain this?
uphold the law 法律を守る
Hey. What happened here?
Long story. Watch her. I'm gonna check the trunk.
Looks like your spell's been broken. Make you a deal. Verify the chain of custody on that vial, and maybe we'll go a little easier on you.
go easy on 大目に見る
I can work with that.
Everything okay, Peter?
Yeah. We all got what we needed. I got to get this to the courthouse.
Well, Barty, looks like we got our edge back. And Giuliani has a reason to return my calls.
Mr.Caffrey, the vial the defendant showed you -- what size would you say it was?
Objection! Your honor, asked and answered.
Sustained. Mr. Bryson, you've covered the ground you need to cover. Either allow the defense to cross-examine the witness or --
Hey! Where do you think you're going?!
Mr. Caffrey, is this the vial Victor Delancy showed you on November 1st of last year?
I believe it is.
Mr. Caffrey, for two weeks you worked as a highly successful senior biochemical analyst at Caplin Environmental.
Objection. How does being a fake scientist qualify this man to identify benzene?
I'd very much like an answer to that myself.
Your honor, I was convicted of bond forgery. Forgery is as much science as it is art.
And does the government consider you an expert in forgery?
Of all types -- art, bonds, checks.
Would you please explain to the court what check washing is?
Check washing is the process of dissolving the ink from a check, allowing it to be rewritten for any amount.
dissole 溶かす
And how is that accomplished?
Well, typically, the check is soaked in benzene.
So, not only is benzene a toxic pollutant, it's also a chemical criminals use to remove ink from a personal check?
That's correct.
Mr. Caffrey, when you're known in some circles as a con man and a liar, why should we believe a word of any of this?
Oh, you shouldn't. People lie. But science doesn't.
He's not a scientist.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you exhibit 64a. As confirmed by agent Burke, Mr. Caffrey, and verified through the chain of custody, we now know this is the vial removed from Delancy's office November 6th of last year. Can you please demonstrate for the court how science can prove this vial contains benzene?
chain of custody 証拠保全 demonstrate 実演する
Absolutely. Uh, your honor, I'll need your pen, please. And the defendant's glass of water. Thank you, sir. Ahh. Wow. I guess I was thirsty. Let the record show that I am writing a check to George Alcott -- great guy, sharp as a tack -- in the amount of $100. Now, if the liquid in this vial is benzene, the ink from this check will disappear completely within five seconds of contact. Pardon the fumes. All right. Here we go. Four, three, two... Five seconds. Give or take, apparently.
pardon 大目に見る fume 蒸気 Give or take 増減を含んで
Let the record show, where the check was submerged, the ink has vanished completely.
submerged 水中の
Ours is a fact-driven process. You know, I'd like to thank those who gathered those facts, as well as the jury for weighing them and arriving at the right conclusion.
fact-driven 事実に基づく
Glad to see my science lesson had a positive effect on the jury.
Oh, uh, Bryson mentioned the woods trial is coming up. He'd love to have you.
I think I'll pass. Testifying's fun, but it's not as much of a con as I thought.
Telling the whole truth isn't your cup of tea? I'm shocked.
cup of tea 得意なこと
Listen, I got an errand to run. Do you mind if I --
Go. I'll see you tomorrow.
See ya.
Your C.I. I should have known.
Shepard, how the hell did you get out?
The judge released me on my own recognizance. It's amazing what knowing the right people can get you.
recognizance 誓約書
Yes, it is.
Oh, and my compliments on a game well played.
Extortion's a game to you?
Of course. Oh, and your strategy -- staying above the law while the people around you break it -- it's genius.
Well, sometimes we have to do things we don't like to protect the people we care about.
Are you talking about Bryson or your boy Caffrey? He's slippery, and so is the line between right and wrong. And when you follow him across it, it will cost you everything. I hope I'm wrong. But if I'm not... Call me. I'm here to help.
slippery 信用できない
If you think you can find Ellen's evidence without me... You're wrong.
Why is that?
'Cause I'm standing here talking to a man who doesn't want to be found. Sam, no one wants these guys taken down more than me. I spent the last decade of my life hiding from the truth. I'm finally ready to face it, and I'll be damned if I'm turning back now because you think I can't help you.
Your father and I used to play darts once in a while. He hated losing with a passion. Like father, like son.
Darts, huh?
So what now?
We stay in touch... We share information... And we do whatever it takes to bring them down.
Neal, what are you doing?