Neal cut his anklet.
Oh, that's her.
All right, pull every alias Caffrey has, Hit the airports and the waterways.
We can't let him escape with the jade, Or the japanese are gonna be very, very upset.
I don't think they ran together. Neal knows better by now.
know better わきまえている、慎重である by now そろそろ
Peter, he set Alex up as a fence for the jade, and he let Pierce escape tonight.
Caffrey put every damn thing in place.
Peter...We both know he didn't run.
Pull Neal's tracking information.
I want to see everywhere he went this week.
That's Neal at the bar tonight.
Just let it play.
All right, that's us walking to the car.
That's him deciding to walk instead.
Can you fast-forward it?
That's him at June's house.
Okay, so Caffrey cuts it here.
Why don't we go back to yesterday?
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
What's that flickering at the end?
A short circuit when he cut it?
short circuit ショート
Play it again.
That's not a short circuit.
That's morse code.
I know where he is.
Yeah, my buddy's upstate.
Cuts the power when he goes.
It's the perfect hiding place for the jade.
Where are the pieces?
He told me he put them in a drawer.
You think I'm stupid?
Stay back where I can see you.
We can't get eyes inside. It's too dangerous to go in blind.
What if I give us a flash-bang?
flash bang 閃光弾
On three, we turn on the power and we storm the entrances.
storm 〜に突入する
What's gonna happen when the power comes on?
I don't know, but I'm trusting Neal.
Let's get the battering rams ready.
battering ram 破壊槌
Are you insane?
That's my house.
I've got keys.
Where the hell are they?
He swore to me that they are here, okay?
Don't play with me, Caffrey.
Hey, hey, I want this thing over just as much as you do, all right?
If anyone knocks anything over, they deal directly with my wife.
Copy that.Ready.
Wipe your feet.
Ready at the back door.
They're not in here, Caffrey.
If he said they're here, they're here.
We just got to keep looking.
On three, the power's going on.
Here we go.
Welcome home.
You have done a great service for our country.
do a great service 〜に大いに役立つ
It's our pleasure.
Indeed 本当に、全く、確かに
Good job, Burke.
Couldn't have done it without Caffrey.
Kare wa ibiki kaku.
Excuse us.
She negotiated the jade for a 4-year sentence?
I got four years, and I never killed anyone.
Guess what she had to work with is better than what you had.
Why are they looking at me?
Ah, it's nothing. It's nothing. Hey, check this out. The saito hotel. Look at that TV.
Oh.Thanks to our goodwill with the japanese ambassador, I've arranged for you to stay there.
goodwill 友好、善意
You kicking me out?
No. No, no.
I just thought you could watch the game on that tv tonight.
It's yours for the rest of the week.
I just have to go back to your place and grab my bags.
What kind of friend would I be If I made you get your own bags?
Oh. All set.
Is this because I ran Alex's prints?
It's for so many reasons, Peter.
Not this time, Neal.
Those have lost their charm for me.
What are you doing here?
I thought we could start fresh, Go back to the beginning.
You and I have too much of a history to start fresh, Neal.
I'm sorry.
I should have been honest with you.
I know better than to trust you.
Likewise. But I'm willing to take a leap of faith.
take a leap of faith 何とかなると信じて思い切る
How willing? I know where the music box is.
Well, as long as you're working for the FBI, You'll never know.
Oh. Come on.
Sorry, Neal.