Please... don't hurt me. T-they'll give you what you want.
They better, 'cause I got lots of debts to pay... Especially to the Russians, so hopefully this will clear them all in one fell swoop. Besides, the art doesn't belong to Neal anyway. He's just the most recent person to steal it.
fall swoop 急降下する
I'm glad you're taking it.
You are, huh? Why do you say that?
Neal betrayed my husband, lied to him. He doesn't deserve any of it.
Wow, you're good, Mrs.B. I'll give you that. No eye contact, identifying with your captor. I mean, you haven't even used my name. Everything from the FBI kidnapping playbook, huh? The only problem is... your husband already knows who I am.
captor 捕らえる人
That's true. And he and Neal are going to kick your ass.
Well, listen, I'm sure you're trying to figure out how to escape from here, so let me make this nice and easy. This door is your only way in and out. Not even Neal could pick this lock. If I were you, my second choice would be this here fire escape. So unless you have a drill kit hidden in your blouse, this is where you're staying. But just to make sure -- Hey, Grant! I believe you two met earlier, right?
I'd shake your hand, but...
So while I'm out meeting your husband, Grant here will be keeping an eye on you.
How long you gonna be gone?
My hand is really starting to hurt.
It's a scratch. Goodbye, Elizabeth Burke. Shoot her in the foot if she tries anything.
I want to be prepared if we can't find Mozzie. What if we tell Keller the truth?
He'll think we're stalling.
stall 引き延ばす
And he'll take it out on Elizabeth.
take out on 八つ当たりする
Maybe we should let the FBI know what Keller wants.
They won't negotiate with kidnappers, and I want them focusing on finding El.
Well, we don't have to worry about finding Mozzie.
Let's get him up here now.
For once, words fail me. They can't possibly convey how sorry I am. This was Keller's big move. I should have seen this coming.
convey 告げる
Do you have the treasure?
Wait! Y-you can't give it to him.
No, no. Once he has it, there's no reason --
Once he has it, there's no reason to keep her alive! He didn't even hesitate to kill Hale.
He's right, okay? But now we have the treasure as a bargaining chip.
El's only chance, my only guarantee that she'll be safe is if the FBI finds her.
We're running out of time, Peter.
We need to buy more time.
Yeah, but Keller's smart enough to read a stall.
Then the three of us have to be smarter than him. We've been playing by Keller's rules. Let's change the game.
Thought you'd be sipping Mai Tais on a beach by now.
After all that happened, I thought some introspection was in order. I decided to follow in the footsteps of Thoreau.
introspection 内観 in order ふさわしい
Found yourself a nice pond and lived off the land? Admit it. It's a hard city to leave.
She's a stubborn mistress.
stubborn 負けん気の強い
Go through Grant's accounts. Look for anything that may be a safe house.
This is my fault.
No, it's mine.
I was the one who took the treasure in the first place.
Keller kidnapped Elizabeth. You didn't. Remember that.
What'd the FBI say?
They have a lead, but they need more time.
We can't stall the exchange. Peter, if we do, there's no telling what Keller would do to Elizabeth.
Where are you keeping the treasure?
It's in a secure facility I set up with some associates.
What if we stalled Keller without appearing to stall him?
Well, it'd have to be something out of our control. Keller's not an easy one to con.
Yeah, he'd have to think we were operating in good faith. We're gonna have to show him the treasure.
in good faith 誠意をもって
I have an idea. We'll need a well-timed call to the police and a criminal we have no concrete ties to -- someone you wouldn't mind ratting out.
concrete 実在の tie つながり rat out 密告する
I know just the rat.
Mozzie, I must say, after what happened in Atlanta, I'm surprised to hear from you.
Yeah, well, desperation makes for strange bedfellows. Um, can I talk to you without your shadow?
desperation 自暴自棄 bedfellows 同僚
Look, I have a two-man job that needs to be done today. I need someone who can crack the best security.
What is the job?
It's a benefactor-specified target. I just picked up the package on the way here.
benefactor 後援者
Wait a minute. So you haven't actually opened it?
No, I was running late --
So you don't actually know what the job is?
I'm sure everything's in here. I've worked for this guy before. He's legit.
I believe you.
Oh, come on, Rufus. We both have a chance to make some serious cash here.
Well, since you actually don't know what the job is, I guess that I'm gonna be the one making the serious scratch, and Simon, too. Thanks for your help, mate.
Damn you, Rufus!
How's your heart rate?
If it's infected, your heart rate will increase.
It's a scratch.
Mm. You're right. I'm sure you're fine. Unless you start sweating.
And if that happens?
Well, it's probably blood poisoning. Very common in dog bites. But you don't have to believe me. You can look it up on your phone.